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Most Stereotypical Question Ever

Boogie Monsta


But I have to do some speech assignment on it. In the interests of not sounding exactly like everyone else in the class, what're the awesomest and most random three things you guys would bring to a deserted island?


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Assuming you can't take the obvious:


1) Fishing equipment

2) People I know, in case I get really desperate. by desperate, I mean starving.

3) A Lighter (To make a fire)

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1) Soemthing to open coconuts (because all deserted islands have coconut trees in the middle, mright?)

2) Pirate hat to join any pirates that may pass by and rescue me. :pirate:

3) Homework (cuz if you get off the island you're teacher's gonna kill you if you don't do it.)


Then again, 3 might be a good reason to pack stuff to stay there. >_>

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I would bring:


1. Oregon. Don't ask me how, but I would get the entire state moved onto the island because Oregon has pretty much everything. Might need a bigger island, though.

2. MacGyver. 'Cause he could help me get off the island and then move Oregon back where it should be using only a toothpick, a ball of Silly Putty and a hair tie

3. A magic wand. In the event that MacGyver is unable to complete the task at hand, I would just magic it all back to how it should be. Apparently, I am a wizard.

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1. A flag. If this island is uninhabited it obviously isn't owned by anyone and I thereby am claiming it for my own. I'm going to start my own government and lay down my own rules. These rules will be mainly based on common sense and there will be no "politically correct" junk. There is only right and wrong. I only admit those I deem worthy. Those who are worthy will indeed jump for joy about the specific laws. In closing, I need a national flag, ergo, I'd bring a flag.

2. Civilization. Obviously I need the people to turn the resources into a thriving country as well as haul over all my stuff.

3. I'd say "my significant other" except that I've never had such a thing. :(

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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