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The Target we went to didn't have any Mata Nuis in stock. ;_;


Though they did have Gelu, Vastus, Kiina, and Stronius. So I got Kiina and Stronius. And Cendox, for good measure.


And now I want a second Cendox so I can put one of their helmets backwards and pretend they're a pair of marauders.


Funny thing is that we stopped at K-Mart beforehand so my mom could get some curtains. I checked their LEGO half-aisle, and they had Baranus, Kaxium, and Agori. No Glatorian. They even had a bunch of Phantoka still.


Anyway, Olive Garden was <3. We ordered pasta, and they gave me my soup (and my mom her salad) first. I was happily nomming when I remembered that the pasta was the actual meal and hadn't arrived yet. Also the dessert was luvverly.


It was a good afternoon, except for the lack of Mata Nuis. I will find one, though. =_=


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Why is this entry called "Hat?" And why do you need a second Cendox to flip their helmets around and pretend they're marauders? On another note, I just swung my mouse around scrolled a little way down your blog, and a black line appeared on the left. I was like "Wha?" And that's how I found out about that little spot in the "Amusement" block. Oh and also, nice Coco Kitty in the "Obligatory Kitteh" block. That is all.
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And why do you need a second Cendox to flip their helmets around and pretend they're marauders?

Take one, put his helmet one way. Take the other, put his helmet the other way. They are now a roving pair of land pirates on snowdirtmobiles.

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I guess I'm lucky, because my K-Mart has six abandoned Mata Nuis hidden behind an Ackar- all this only a bike ride away!


Then again, that's all they have. :P

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