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Why Delete Cot?...



Cuz I've been hearing that a lot.


"I hate COT, so spammy!", "I never go to COT, worst forum ever", "this is a Bionicle forum, COT shouldn't exist."


Recent examples of this hatred can be found here and here. Just about every time someone makes a "least favorite forum" topic in GD, the majority of people say it's COT. (Or the Comedies forum, but let's not go there)


But why? It's obvious you're gonna see a lot more 'mess' there than in other forums, but that's just because it's more active. Think about it - there are about 25 forums to cover all the different aspects of Bionicle and BZPower, and only one to cover everything else. Maybe that's why people say it's so 'messy' - but on the other hand, we have tons of official topics to keep things more organized.


As a staffie there, I can tell you that most topics in COT are closed either because they're dupes of other topics, or they are unapproved games/RPGs*. Very few times have I actually seen true spam topics (a la brakelabastaa feed me). So why is it that COT gets the reputation of being so spammy? Is it because you can't discuss Bionicle, so everything else is instantly spam? Is it because there are a lot of rules?


I agree that maybe making a separate sub-forum for RPGs might be a good idea, but that is for the admins to decide. And honestly, going through the trouble of moving every existing RPG to that forum, and assigning new staff and all, that's a lot of work for something that isn't too crucial. But is there anything else the COT staff can do to make it a better place (or maybe just improve its reputation)?



*or they're birthday topics, but I'm the only one who ever closes those (grrr Sisen!) and I only do it once in a while (mainly cuz I don't wanna go "birthday over, topic closed" over and over again, that will be boring, so I try to make each post unique)




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The only way would be to make a "COT Games" forum.


About a fourth of all active COT Topics are games/RPGs and all of the big topics are (not to mention about 4 stickies). If you move all of the healthy games to their own forum you remove a lot of clutter and allow for the smaller topics to get discussion really going. Because another reason why COT seems spammy is because there are tons of tiny topics and comparatively few gigantic ones.


Of course, we pushed for one back in October and the Admins already said no. So, there's really not much that can be done. :(

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COT is a place I like. If it was killed, I'd probably end up leaving BZP cuz all the people I like talking to hang around COT most of the time, and the discussions in GD and LBS aren't as interesting -- too much Bionicle discussion on one site kills the fun of the site. Brutally, kills the fun.


COT is also a place for people to express themselves in other forms of writing [That doesn't use biomechanical beings, for once] and in forms of art that wouldn't work in General Art/any of the other art places.


The RPGs in COT are also more fun than the ones in the Bionicle RPG area, more realm of freedom.


It's just a nice place for people to wish happy birthdays, to play games, to be creative and imaginative, and where people can talk about other interests they may have [Cuz, I'm pretty sure that most people here have other interests than Bionicle, and other forums to talk exclusively about these interests tend to just suck in terms of either rules, staff, or even the members being cruel because of an elitist attitude.].


Sure, it's a Bionicle site. But if that's all you're gonna talk about, then this site would probably end up being as fun as the Lego Message Boards, and we all now how much fun that is.


It's also annoying when people go "I never go to COT. It sucks." -- cuz the question would be "Then how the skidoodles do you know that it sucks if you never go there?"


-- If it weren't for COT RPGs and COT stories, I wouldn't be going for the goal I am today.


EDIT: Using Blogs as a substitute for COT is a horrible idea, unless everyone is allowed to have one for free which would make being Premier all that less special. If Blogs were open to all for free, I doubt there'd be as many Premier members as there are.

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Wasn't one of the words in that entry filtered out a few months ago?



Anyways, why should I go join 25 other forum sites for 25 individual things, when I could just come here, go to COT, and Boom, I'm already there, where it's a general disscussion?


Heck, If it was up to me, BZP should get an Off-Topic version of itself. BZP's filter works 24/7, the Admins/Mods actually do their jobs, and since they're worldwide, spammers aren't too frequently seen...


basically, I prefer COT than any other forum website.

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EDIT: Using Blogs as a substitute for COT is a horrible idea, unless everyone is allowed to have one for free which would make being Premier all that less special. If Blogs were open to all for free, I doubt there'd be as many Premier members as there are.

No, no, no. The blogs oughta stay not free, since even if the people who use them are total morons(i.e. me), they're at least being useful to the site by paying for it. COT has no such offset.


Lock down COT, though, deleting it would be silly.

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EDIT: Using Blogs as a substitute for COT is a horrible idea, unless everyone is allowed to have one for free which would make being Premier all that less special. If Blogs were open to all for free, I doubt there'd be as many Premier members as there are.

No, no, no. The blogs oughta stay not free, since even if the people who use them are total morons(i.e. me), they're at least being useful to the site by paying for it. COT has no such offset.


Lock down COT, though, deleting it would be silly.

Then if it's not free, only those who pay money would get to talk about other subjects -- that's not very fair, IMO. And a blog isn't really for discussing broad subjects all the time, or even really narrow subjects, it's a personal log of your thoughts... basically an open diary/journal -- not so much a discussion area on basic topics/hobbies.

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I think you meant to say, "brakelatabasaasta feed me :wacko:"


Dex made me learn it. :mellow:


I only go to COT for the Pokemon topic, so yeaah, I don't really know how messy it is.


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I left COT a while ago, don't really remember when or why, but it's mostly due to the fact I can learn anything in there directly from an even better source site. And at the source site, there are better and more informed people to discuss it with. And RPG's take up too much of my time IMO.

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I don't mind COT too much... I visit occasionally and stuff. But all those members who say COT is the only place they visit on BZP... that seems kind of strange.



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I don't visit COT much (to be honest, I'm rarely out of Blogs/BBC), but I don't really see why people want to get rid of it. It''s like telling ice cream vendors not to sell strawberry ice cream because you don't like strawberry. Other people enjoy it, it's not hurting you by just being there, you don't have to go in there if you don't like it, so what's the problem? <:s

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I think you meant to say, "brakelatabasaasta feed me :wacko: "


Dex made me learn it. :mellow:


I only go to COT for the Pokemon topic, so yeaah, I don't really know how messy it is.


I thought there were more A's...


I only go there for the Pokemon and Halo topics, the Cryptids topic just for the lulz, and one RPG that I'm loosely taking part in.


But other than the blogs... it's the only place I go these days. 'Cept when I'm looking at the official BBCs.



Edit: this comment has been not sense making certified by the owner

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