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Time To Be Depressed





I've spent all summer stressing out about summer courses and waking up at 8 AM and trying to fit in work and basically making my summer months a repeat of the rest of the school year.


I come home to be told I'm unmotivated and sleep in too much and should be doing more hard, physical work in either the blazing hot sun or cold rain (is there no middle ground for summer weather??)


To top that off, I'm reading this new web comic (aka new to me, it's been around apparently since 02 and updated almost daily, so I have been trying to catch up on it) While it's delightfully vulgar at times, it's also depressingly like reality and has caused me to spend two nights staying up so late my parents went on a wild rage in the morning. (Really, is being nocturnal that bad a thing?)


I'd link to it, but more than half its content is R rated, so contact me off BZPower if you must...


Oh... and I cut my toe and it got infected and it's getting better but it's been hurting me for the last two weeks. I know my life isn't bad... but I still don't have much positive energy at the moment.


Sorry I had the energy to blog about this... even more sorry that you got to this part, which must've meant that you read over the rest of it too. (Or skimmed, but I'm sure the feeling of despair caught to you anyhow)


(A frown emoticon seems more appropriate, but why step away from tradition?)




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