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Hello World. Or Bzp.

Master of the Rahkshi


And thus I make my entry into blogging. Yup.




What exactly are you supposed to do with your first post? Introduce yourself? Seems cliche. Ah, what the heck, I'll do it. Besides, most people have either forgotten or don't know me anyways. :P


So. I am Master of the Rahkshi, as you can no doubt figure out. I'm a geek, a writer, a reader, a staff member, a college student, weird, and generally insane. I'll get to that last part in a bit.


Let's start with the geek. I am one. There is no doubt as to this. I mean, I'm a staff member on two separate Bionicle sites; that should go without saying. But my geekage extends beyond this. I play video games, specifically ones that are heavy on story. I can't get behind anything that doesn't have some form of story. I dislike Halo for this very reason; may have an interesting universe, but the protagonist lacks the depth or even the potential depth to keep my interest. I'm also horrible at multiplayer. Examples of games I like are Gears of War (plenty of existing and potential story), BioShock (LOTS of in-game story, plus it's creepy to the heavens), and StarCraft. That sort of thing. Also, I read manga. Not much manga compared to a true otaku, perhaps, but what I do read I follow almost obsessively. Fullmetal Alchemist, Claymore, the occasional romantic comedy that catches my eye. Yes, I realize that I am completely contradictory. Deal with that in a sec. But it does bring up my interests: dark. I like dark stuff. But dark stuff that has a happy ending. I get all depressed when the good guys lose, or if there's a Pyrrhic victory. And I also enjoy the lighthearted romantic stuff.


Continuing in the vein of geekness, Star Wars continues to delight me. At least the expanded universe does. I has so much more to offer to my mind...KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC! *cough* Anyways. Sci-fi and fantasy is pretty much all I pay attention to. History, plain fiction, mysteries...don't really grab my attention. I like the fantastic, I like stuff that's out of this world. I live in the real world every day, why would I want to read about it?


Next up is a writer. Sort of. Getting there. Fledgling. In a sense. Basically, I am blessed with a highly active imagination, but cursed with a short attention span. I come up with really awesome ideas for stories, but when it comes time to put pen to paper...fingers to keyboard...whatever, I find it difficult to get what I want to say out of my head and into the story. I sit around for a while, trying to form the proper words, and then another idea pops up and all is left behind. I currently have eleven separate stories in the works. That's part of the reason why I'm writing this blog, I guess; I figure that if there are actually out there, reading my stuff with a slack jaw and thinking "huh?!" I'll actually be obliged to stay somewhat consistent, and, hopefully, those lessons will eventually drift to my stories. However, for the moment I mainly doodle with characters and write excessive amounts of information when someone asks me to make something up.


A reader. Oh yeah, there is absolutely no question about this. I read all the time; if I don't get at least two books finished a week, I think I'd go into some sort of coma. Mind you, I have no qualms about reading the same book repeatedly. That's probably the only way I'm surviving in college. Currently, my bookcase is stocked with the entire Lord of the Rings, a few Michael Crichtons, the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix, some Discworld books (not enough T_T), a few books by Chris Wooding (my obscure author idol), I am the Messenger, The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures, and The Tough Guide to Fantasyland. The last is a delightfully hilarious book, and anyone who has even glanced at a fantasy title must read it.


A staff member. I'm currently a staff member both here on BZP and on the BionicleSector01 wiki. And, somewhat ironically, my jobs on both are very similar. I'm charged with keeping the storyline straight, informing people who are looking for information in the most helpful manner possible, and correcting that which is inaccurate. I've been a staffie here for a couple of years now; on BS01, a little over a year. Technically. As many have noticed I have a tendency to drop out of existence without warning every once in a while, going out of touch without a word for months, or a year. I regret it when these disappearances happen; let's just say Real Life occasionally likes to use my head as target practice for its Misfortune Hammer. However, that usually happens in summer, so I should be present for at least eight more months.


A college student. Yes, I am in college right now. That should explain my usually erratic schedule, random stress times, and completely foul internet connection. Also my lack of access to most story resources.


Weird. Oh good lord am I weird. Most people who talk with me on a semi-regular basis will notice this for themselves, but I believe that anyone reading this deserves a fair warning. I am odd, more so at some times than others. I have a very strange sense of humor, make remarks out of absolutely nowhere that causes people to scratch their heads and look at me askance, occasionally fail to pick up hints that should be painfully obvious, and act hyper. This partly because of my ADHD, partly because of my Asperger's Syndrome. Yes, I am sharing private aspects of my life online. Why shouldn't I? My behavior online is very similar to my behavior in real life; people ought to get the reason for it. It's not like I'm a sociopath or a sadist or even bipolar; it's a fairly harmless condition, unless you count extreme social awkwardness as 'harm.' And if you're uncomfortable knowing something that private about me, well, I feel sorry for you.


Anyways, most of you probably don't know what Apserger's Syndrome is. In a nutshell, it's a social disorder, fairly light along the autism spectrum. It makes me unsure of how to act in most, if not all, social situations. This usually translates to being quiet, hesitant, and shy to the extreme. I have largely gotten past this behavior, mostly by hanging around people as odd as I am. But it still makes most of my behavior 'strange' and gives me something of an outsider's view on most social circumstances. It's interesting.


Moving on from the heavy stuff, insanity. I am insane. Without a doubt, and I have my reasons. I'm not going to go into my Greater Theory of Insanity (maybe later) but at the core, I believe that every single person in the world is mad to a degree. Some are more so than others, some just have an odd little habit or two. But no two people are truly alike, and to try and deny this is counterproductive. It isn't a bad thing; difference is what makes life so interesting.


So! That's me in a nutshell.


So that's it? He just spent over a thousand words talking about himself?


Well yeah. Most of my entries in the future aren't going to be about me; they're going to be about the story, things I'm working on, my opinion on what happened in the newspaper or the lunch line, along with more random things. I wanted to get all this out of the way, so that people who read my words can have some context, some insight into who I am and therefore why I say what I say. It'll save time from all the posts going "...is he nuts?!"


In a way, yes I am. I'm a nineteen year old staff member of a Bionicle fan site. Of course I'm nuts. :P No more or less so than anyone else on this site.


And so I conclude my first blog entry. Hope you enjoyed it; I'll post whenever I can, and figure out some sort of schedule from there. XD


See you soon!


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I think you just summed up something about everyone on BZP. You still have your special quirks that make you who you are though.

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I play video games, specifically ones that are heavy on story. I can't get behind anything that doesn't have some form of story. I dislike Halo for this very reason; may have an interesting universe, but the protagonist lacks the depth or even the potential depth to keep my interest. I'm also horrible at multiplayer. Examples of games I like are Gears of War (plenty of existing and potential story), BioShock (LOTS of in-game story, plus it's creepy to the heavens), and StarCraft. That sort of thing


This alone deserves an approval. I think we may be the only two members on this site who actually view video games that way.


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C-could it be? :o


MotR's blog?! :o

Yeah, I started a blog. It's pretty much required practice for any kind of writer, and besides, I felt that BZP was a little low on its weirdness quota. :P (Nah, that would never happen.)

I think you just summed up something about everyone on BZP. You still have your special quirks that make you who you are though.

Yeah, I guess I did. Like I said, we're all quirky, just some have different quirks.

I play video games, specifically ones that are heavy on story. I can't get behind anything that doesn't have some form of story. I dislike Halo for this very reason; may have an interesting universe, but the protagonist lacks the depth or even the potential depth to keep my interest. I'm also horrible at multiplayer. Examples of games I like are Gears of War (plenty of existing and potential story), BioShock (LOTS of in-game story, plus it's creepy to the heavens), and StarCraft. That sort of thing


This alone deserves an approval. I think we may be the only two members on this site who actually view video games that way.


YAAAAAAAY! I've been approved! :D Thank you Emzee!


:voyanui: Master of the Rahkshi :voyanui:

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