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An Easy Way Of Proving You Have No Taste



I like all the Star Wars movies. The prequels were particularly good. I'm not really sure what Lucas was thinking when he made Episode IV though, that was horrible.


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He had all those amazing effects in the first three movies, but then for four through six, it's like he's using thirty year old technology!



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Allright, since you and me have a similar taste in music, I think I can say this without being labeled to have bad taste:

I liked the prequels. Jarjar was annoying and Anakin just whiny and cheesy, but somehow for me, it worked. Maybe because Qui-Gonn and Obi were so darn cool in EP I while II and III had the clones in it.

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I liked the prequels. Jarjar was annoying and Anakin just whiny and cheesy, but somehow for me, it worked. Maybe because Qui-Gonn and Obi were so darn cool in EP I while II and III had the clones in it.

This one.

Also, I never get why people don't like the prequels that much, but it's probably because I was also rooting for Grevious the whole time in episode 3.
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Also, I never get why people don't like the prequels that much, but it's probably because I was also rooting for Grevious the whole time in episode 3.

I know, right? The guy was awesome! Anyone with a modicum of SW knowledge knew Obi-Wan would beat him, but heck, that didn't stop me egging him on!


Also, does anyone else get the feeling SW villains should stop making cyborgs? They all seem to have breathing problems. Vader has his signature rasp, Grievous should have had an inhaler fitted to one of his arms...

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Also, I never get why people don't like the prequels that much, but it's probably because I was also rooting for Grevious the whole time in episode 3.

I know, right? The guy was awesome! Anyone with a modicum of SW knowledge knew Obi-Wan would beat him, but heck, that didn't stop me egging him on!


Also, does anyone else get the feeling SW villains should stop making cyborgs? They all seem to have breathing problems. Vader has his signature rasp, Grievous should have had an inhaler fitted to one of his arms...

But then Grevious didn't even die by lightsaber. He got shot by a dinky blaster. Why couldn't he have had an awesomer death? Like Obi Wan kills him with the force, or a a saber battle of pure skill. I mean, what the heck.


It's just that those movies have so many missed opportunities for actual awesomeness. Like Palpatine could have had an evil clone that was the Emperor, or something more creative and a little less obvious then them being the same person. Why couldn't Mace Windu have ended up being evil? Why couldn't at least ONE (Besides the main characters, of course) of the Jedi gone out with more of a bang than deflecting a few shots?


Then there are the annoying relationships, JarJar, and too much comic relief.


Also, how did Anikan age so much faster than Padme? Padme was at least ten years older than him in Episode I, but managed to subsequently stay the same age for ten years till he caught up.


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Just for the record to those saying they liked the prequels, I sort of did myself, but compared to the Original Trilogy, particularly Episode IV and probably V, it's just hard to wonder what happened to them.


Grievous breathing was "foreshadowing", at least according to Lucas' audio-comment on EP3.


Foreshadowing of what? I'm confused now...


And I'm still not sure why he was killed so easily though. In addition to his appearances in Clone Wars, the fact Yoda, who's Yoda, and Mace Windu, who's Samuel L. Jackson, and I believe it had been said at some point was the council's foremost swordsman if I recall properly, were the only ones who ever really stood a chance against him, and that he could kill swarms of Jedi on his own in the miniseries, Obi-Wan defeating him by shooting him in the chest just seemed really anticlimactic to me, especially for a villain who's right up with Boba Fett and Darth Vader in terms of coolest Star Wars villain to me.

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Just for the record to those saying they liked the prequels, I sort of did myself, but compared to the Original Trilogy, particularly Episode IV and probably V, it's just hard to wonder what happened to them.


Grievous breathing was "foreshadowing", at least according to Lucas' audio-comment on EP3.


Foreshadowing of what? I'm confused now...


And I'm still not sure why he was killed so easily though. In addition to his appearances in Clone Wars, the fact Yoda, who's Yoda, and Mace Windu, who's Samuel L. Jackson, and I believe it had been said at some point was the council's foremost swordsman if I recall properly, were the only ones who ever really stood a chance against him, and that he could kill swarms of Jedi on his own in the miniseries, Obi-Wan defeating him by shooting him in the chest just seemed really anticlimactic to me, especially for a villain who's right up with Boba Fett and Darth Vader in terms of coolest Star Wars villain to me.


It was foreshadowing to what would become of Anakin. And his death probably read well on paper. Cinematically they could have cranked up the suspense a little more in that scene though. Only thing I'd have left out would have been the fistfight. Jedi or not, it's stupid going up against somebody made of metal with bare hands.

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Just for the record to those saying they liked the prequels, I sort of did myself, but compared to the Original Trilogy, particularly Episode IV and probably V, it's just hard to wonder what happened to them.


Grievous breathing was "foreshadowing", at least according to Lucas' audio-comment on EP3.


Foreshadowing of what? I'm confused now...


And I'm still not sure why he was killed so easily though. In addition to his appearances in Clone Wars, the fact Yoda, who's Yoda, and Mace Windu, who's Samuel L. Jackson, and I believe it had been said at some point was the council's foremost swordsman if I recall properly, were the only ones who ever really stood a chance against him, and that he could kill swarms of Jedi on his own in the miniseries, Obi-Wan defeating him by shooting him in the chest just seemed really anticlimactic to me, especially for a villain who's right up with Boba Fett and Darth Vader in terms of coolest Star Wars villain to me.


It was foreshadowing to what would become of Anakin. And his death probably read well on paper.


Hmm...true and true, particularly considering it was better in the book, though for the latter I still see no opening through which Obi-Wan could've started cutting off the extra hands to begin with.


Cinematically they could have cranked up the suspense a little more in that scene though. Only thing I'd have left out would have been the fistfight. Jedi or not, it's stupid going up against somebody made of metal with bare hands.


Very much agreed in both aspects.

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The cliches in Star Wars Prequels are in an amazing high supply.


-Make an amazing Super villian

-Make said supervillian be able to kill anything and everything

-Make said super villian encounter a Hero/Hero's Apprentice

-"Curses, I cannot beat the Hero's apprentice, despite that I've killed hundreds of thousands of clones, and hundreds of Professional Jedi!"

-Kill said villian


Also, for Jar Jar, everyboddy hates him. Old people hate him, SW lovers hate him, even little children who have never seen a SW movie a day in their life hate him!




The Origional Trilogy was sheer Science Fiction Movie Perfection though. When Luke jumps onto the catwalk, the music was spot on.


Why did Lucas have to butcher Episode 6 with Hayden-Freaking-Christensen, and declare the one with Shaw non-cannon, I'll never know. I just better be able to find the untainted (or at least the 1997 Editions) version of the origional trilogy somewhere.

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Just for the record to those saying they liked the prequels, I sort of did myself, but compared to the Original Trilogy, particularly Episode IV and probably V, it's just hard to wonder what happened to them.


Grievous breathing was "foreshadowing", at least according to Lucas' audio-comment on EP3.


Foreshadowing of what? I'm confused now...


And I'm still not sure why he was killed so easily though. In addition to his appearances in Clone Wars, the fact Yoda, who's Yoda, and Mace Windu, who's Samuel L. Jackson, and I believe it had been said at some point was the council's foremost swordsman if I recall properly, were the only ones who ever really stood a chance against him, and that he could kill swarms of Jedi on his own in the miniseries, Obi-Wan defeating him by shooting him in the chest just seemed really anticlimactic to me, especially for a villain who's right up with Boba Fett and Darth Vader in terms of coolest Star Wars villain to me.

Everyone was overpowered in the Clone Wars cartoons. Awesomely overpowered, but overpowered nonetheless.

Also, there's that whole "Mace Windu crushes Grievous' chestplate with Force". That didn't work in Grievous' favour much.


Yes, I also liked the prequel trilogy for al the same reasons as Veef'ika. The Prequel trilogy also gave us some amazing EU stuff. Republic Commando first and foremost.


P.S. Empire Strikes Back, BTW, is still by far one of my favorite SF movies of all time.

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