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2010 Full Set List

Nuju Metru


Fool you? :P


Here's a limerick;


There once was a guy named Bob

He liked to eat corn on the cob.

But when he played baseball,

He had quite the face-fall,

He couldn't pitch even a lob.


-Nuju Metru



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A teacher at a primary school

Was rather strict as a rule

She went to a shop

And bought a big mop

And rode back to school on a mule.


That one won me a book. :D

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There once was a guy named Nuju Metru

He once posted a blog entry that was not true,

When other users clicked on it,

They got into a predicament,

And now all they want to throw is poo.






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There once was a guy named Nuju Metru

He once posted a blog entry that was not true,

When other users clicked on it,

They got into a predicament,

And now all they want to throw is poo.







Pssht. The syllable arrangement is all off. :P


Here, let me fix it:


There once was a guy named Nuju,

Who posted an entry untrue.

When users would click,

They got no such shtick,

And now they all want to throw poo.


See? Much better.

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I see. That was the first limerick I've ever created, so excuse the errors. :P




Well, it was very good for a beginner. Rhyming "Metru" with "Poo..." that was masterful. :lol:


And thank you!

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My brother makes (Sometimes) poems... Heres a really funny one:


There once was a monkey who lived in a shoe.

He liked to climb trees, Eat cheese and other goo.


its short but i like his poems i wish a had more!!!! :o :o :o

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There once was a title not right,

So members got into a fight.

The guy that posted,

He got quiet roasted

By members that didn't like limericks that ended properly.




-=< :s: >=-

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There once was a title not right,

So members got into a fight.

The guy that posted,

He got quiet roasted

By members that didn't like limericks that ended properly.




-=< :s: >=-


What kind of a terrible world has members who don't end their limericks properly? That's unpossible! :o

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There once was a guy whose name

Shall remain secret to save him from shame

He promised to get

Us a list of the sets

Instead, there was a rhyme which was lame.


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There once was a guy whose name

Shall remain secret to save him from shame

He promised to get

Us a list of the sets

Instead, there was a rhyme which was lame.





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