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Better Know An Admin

Black Six


It's time.


So, here's how it goes: You ask questions, I answer them. Anything BZPower-friendly is fine, though I reserve the right to not answer any given question. Questions of inappropriate nature will be deleted.


So tell your friends and let's get this started!


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Ok then...since you said bring them on.......


1. Do you like school?

2. Which is your favorite Barraki?

3. Which is your favorite storyline?

4. Which is your favorite superhero?

5. What shows do you watch?

6. Why am I asking you questions when I should be outside playing with my friends?

7. Ignore the question before this question.

8. How'd you find out about BZP?

9. Do you still collect Bionicles?

10. Do you even like Bionicle anymore?



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Ok then...since you said bring them on.......


1. Do you like school?

I enjoy learning, whether or not I like school depends on the subject matter and the teachers. The best teacher can make even the most boring class fun and the worst teacher can ruin even the most interesting class.

2. Which is your favorite Barraki?


3. Which is your favorite storyline?


4. Which is your favorite superhero?

Iron Man

5. What shows do you watch?

Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, Eureka

6. Why am I asking you questions when I should be outside playing with my friends?

Do you really want to know the answer to that?

7. Ignore the question before this question.

Too late.

8. How'd you find out about BZP?


9. Do you still collect Bionicles?

I still buy sets every now and then, but no, I wouldn't say I collect them.

10. Do you even like Bionicle anymore?

Bionicle is one of Lego's best themes in a while and yes, it still interests me.

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Yay, my turn.


1. Did you start this to kill :vahi: ?


2. Um, where did all my questions go?


3. Ah, here they are. Did Binkmeister make the Board Message "Binky is stinky. Neener neener."


4. Did Binky make this one? "Secret Fact #6: Bionicle Rex likes cheese."


5. Who made the bubble wrap?


6. Can you guess where I was born?


7. Do you like Calvin and Hobbes?


8. Who's your favorite Star Wars character? (Mine is Darth Maul, Jango Fett, or Plo Koon.)


Guess that's it for now.



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Yay, my turn.


1. Did you start this to kill :vahi: ?

Maybe in part, but also because I felt you guys might be curious, and I had no problems with answering any questions.

2. Um, where did all my questions go?

Below this one.

3. Ah, here they are. Did Binkmeister make the Board Message "Binky is stinky. Neener neener."

I believe so; more likely, however, is that his wife added it while he wasn't looking. ;)

4. Did Binky make this one? "Secret Fact #6: Bionicle Rex likes cheese."

Probably, the guy goes crazy for a piece of cheddar. :P

5. Who made the bubble wrap?

Not me.

6. Can you guess where I was born?


7. Do you like Calvin and Hobbes?

I'm not a huge fan, but I do enjoy reading them every once in a while.

8. Who's your favorite Star Wars character? (Mine is Darth Maul, Jango Fett, or Plo Koon.)

Pre-prequel Boba Fett. I liked the Expanded-Universe story better than the whole clone thing.

Guess that's it for now.




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1) Do you love spam? (Don't be confused)

2) Do you have any pets? I have two dogs, a cat, and two rats.

3) Would you play an RPG in the RPG Forum if you had the chance?

4) Have you ever flown a plane before?

5) Why are you so awesome? :P


Sorry if any of these questions have been answered already.

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1) Do you love spam? (Don't be confused)

:blink: No.

2) Do you have any pets? I have two dogs, a cat, and two rats.

Yes, a cat and some fish that live in our pond.

3) Would you play an RPG in the RPG Forum if you had the chance?

Sure, I did start the forum because I enjoyed RPGs so much.

4) Have you ever flown a plane before?

A couple times, not too often though.

5) Why are you so awesome? :P

The world may never know.

Sorry if any of these questions have been answered already.


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What is your catch phrase?


IS it concidence that 2 of my friends on BZp came FAs?(Doc and Spi)


Is it true you guys tortured Spi when he became an FA? I have the IM transcript of what he did in my Maj......Link

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What is your catch phrase?

"Thread closed."

IS it coincidence that 2 of my friends on BZp came FAs?(Doc and Spi)

There's no such thing as coincidences.

Is it true you guys tortured Spi when he became an FA? I have the IM transcript of what he did in my Maj......Link

Those scars are figments of your imagination.

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What is your other catch phrase? :P

"It's not that life's so short, it's just that you're dead for so long."

How good are you at sniping in Halo?

Super amazingly bad. Give me a pistol is Halo 1 and I'll three-shot you though.

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  1. Have you read any HALO novels? If you haven't you should, they're good.
  2. What's your favorite aspect of HALO, gameplay-wise?
  3. What's your favorite aspect of HALO, storyline-wise?
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Have you read any HALO novels? If you haven't you should, they're good.

You should read more of my blog. The answer is, 'Of course I have.'

What's your favorite aspect of HALO, gameplay-wise?

Teamwork, for sure. That's why I always will enjoy LANs more than Live. It just makes it so much easier to work together to get flag caps, oddball or hill time, etc.

What's your favorite aspect of HALO, storyline-wise?

Hmm, that's a tough one. I guess I'd have to say the sheer breadth of the Halo universe. You can play the game and only see one series of events at one point in time, but there's so much more going on elsewhere, which shows in the books and the graphic novel.

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Why do you say topic instead of thread?

I'm not sure what you mean, I usually say 'thread,' not 'topic.'

What is your other catch phrase?

Um, I can only have so many catch-phrases, but I suppose if I had to pick something I say a lot it would be, "No worries."

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Why don't you want to be a Premeir Member again?

I'll always be a Premier Member. I bought a lifetime membership from the beginning of when they were offered. So I the event that I ever retire I will still be Premier.

When did you become a admin or forum leader or what ever?

These dates come directly from this topic:

Moderator (Forum Leader these days): August 6, 2001

News Reporter: August 27, 2004

Global Moderator: November 27, 2004

Assistant Admin: November 26, 2005

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Why don't you want to be a Premeir Member again?

I'll always be a Premier Member. I bought a lifetime membership from the beginning of when they were offered. So I the event that I ever retire I will still be Premier.

When did you become a admin or forum leader or what ever?

These dates come directly from this topic:

Moderator (Forum Leader these days): August 6, 2001

News Reporter: August 27, 2004

Global Moderator: November 27, 2004

Assistant Admin: November 26, 2005

Woah! So you became a Moderator just 5 days after you became a member! Wow, Lucky!



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I think it was vloutnteer thing for first staff ever for BZP.


So B6....


If you could get only one of these game which would you get: Halo wars or Halo 3?

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I think it was vloutnteer thing for first staff ever for BZP.


So B6....


If you could get only one of these game which would you get: Halo wars or Halo 3?

Halo 3, I'm more of a FPS fan than a RTS fan. Plus, I want to see how the Master Chief saves the univers.


And yes, back then, most of the staff volunteered by asking Dimensioneer.

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Heee, fun. :D Here's my only question: Why did you call yourself Black Six? Does it have some meaning, or do you really look like this? :





I have always wondered that. ^^

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Heee, fun. :D Here's my only question: Why did you call yourself Black Six? Does it have some meaning, or do you really look like this? :





I have always wondered that. ^^

What, and give up all the mystique surrounding it? I think not.

I will say I've been using it for about a decade now, and that it originated from an obscure reference to a popular movie.

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Geez, Too many Questions. :blink:

Buut I still have more.


1. What is your fave 360 game, besides Halo?

2. Do you have Xbox Live Vision?

3. Can you buy Live for me? :)

4. Who's your fave member?

5. Who's you least fave member?

6. If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I believe it does, but it goes unnoticed as the vibrations aren't picked up by our ears. Disprove me.

7. What is the sound of one hand clapping? (Besides the obvious- The sound of one hand clapping is the sound of one hand clapping)

8. What country is on the opposite side of the world from your country?

9. What shampoo/onditioner do you use?

10. How many books do you own in your collection?

11. What is your fave Lord of the Rings book?

12. Did you like The Hobbit as much as your fave LotR book?

13. How do I think oh these?!?

14. What is your fave outfit?

15. Do you wear glasses at all?

16. Forgot this. What is your fave Halo book?


Well, i'm done. Answer all those :P

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Thanks for answering, my questions from before. Well, I got some more questions, Black Six. Here they are:

1) Have you ever read Jurassic Park By: Michael Crichton before?

2) If you have, what did you think of it?

3) Have you seen any Rocky movies?

4) If you have, what did you think of them?

5) What character did you like most from the 2006 storyline?

6) Why do most Staff members have brown hair?

7) If you own a park with dinosaurs, what would you do with them?

8) Are you a Star Wars fan?

9) What job are you thinking of spending the rest of your life doing?

Please answer these if you can. ~J.M.J.~


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Geez, Too many Questions. :blink:

Buut I still have more.


1. What is your fave 360 game, besides Halo?

At the moment, probably Gears of War.

2. Do you have Xbox Live Vision?


3. Can you buy Live for me? :)

Sorry, forgot to water my money tree today.

4. Who's your fave member?


5. Who's you least fave member?

Any and all banned ones.

6. If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I believe it does, but it goes unnoticed as the vibrations aren't picked up by our ears. Disprove me.

Seems logical to me.

7. What is the sound of one hand clapping? (Besides the obvious- The sound of one hand clapping is the sound of one hand clapping)

The sound of one hand clapping is the same as the sound of two hands clapping, but only half as loud.

8. What country is on the opposite side of the world from your country?

I suppose that would be Australia.

9. What shampoo/onditioner do you use?

Generic anti-dandruff shampoo.

10. How many books do you own in your collection?

A quick count puts the number at over 150.

11. What is your fave Lord of the Rings book?

The Fellowship of the Ring, Tom Bombadil is a favorite of mine.

12. Did you like The Hobbit as much as your fave LotR book?

I'd almost say I prefer The Hobbit to any of the LotR books, almost.

13. How do I think oh these?!?

You took 'Introduction to Stalking' at your local college?

14. What is your fave outfit?

Jeans and a t-shirt.

15. Do you wear glasses at all?

When I'm not wearing contacts.

16. Forgot this. What is your fave Halo book?

The Fall of Reach.

Well, i'm done. Answer all those :P


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Thanks for answering, my questions from before. Well, I got some more questions, Black Six. Here they are:

1) Have you ever read Jurassic Park By: Michael Crichton before?

Yes, about ten years ago.

2) If you have, what did you think of it?

It was very good, much better than the movie (which was also good).

3) Have you seen any Rocky movies?

Only bits and pieces.

4) If you have, what did you think of them?

They were alright.

5) What character did you like most from the 2006 storyline?

Jaller, I always like the leaders.

6) Why do most Staff members have brown hair?

Genetic predisposition. The gene for brown hair is located on the same chromosome as the one for moderating.

7) If you own a park with dinosaurs, what would you do with them?

Kill the dinosaurs before it's Jurassic Park all over again.

8) Are you a Star Wars fan?

Of course.

9) What job are you thinking of spending the rest of your life doing?

We'll have to see how that goes. Maybe I'll get into the videogame industry.

Please answer these if you can. ~J.M.J.~
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