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  • Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis (which I'm actually about a third of the way through...an interesting book which my dad showed me while in the bookshop and said "This looks good and it's by the guy who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia" so I bought it.)
  • Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson (found it in a church sale for like, three bucks, so I HAD to buy it. And furthermore, the sponsor from my club last year recommended it. Have only read the first couple pages.;;)
  • The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme: The Floating Island by Elizabeth Haydon (Saw it several times at the store, wasn't interested, but it called to me last Sunday, I read a few random pages, including a bit about a merrow, and after that I HAD to read it. I'm a sucker for fantasy.)
I'm also reading Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones for my AP English class, and I'm really into it. Unfortunately, we're only supposed to read a quarter of it at a time for the activities we have to do with it, but I can't stop myself from reading ahead.>>


Yes I KNOW I'm pathetic. But at least I have fun with it.:3




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Three Cups of Tea is eh. I (had to) read it for summer reading, and it was okay, I suppose. Non fiction really isn't my thing.


EDIT: Ooh, are you really a Lutheran? Nice to meet another one. :D

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Guest kopakanuva13


I'm also reading Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones for my AP English class, and I'm really into it.

Ugh. An AP class? I found that book to be extremely, well, to put it bluntly, juvenile for what people are making it out to be. I have yet to see the literary merit behind it, other than the fact that it antagonizes men and stereotypes women.

Just my two cents. It'd be a fine entertainment book, but people are analyzing it too far. And besides, I'm too stuck in my little equality-utopia mindset to enjoy such an obviously feminist book D:

But yeah the story was ok. I think I'll like the movie waaay more xD

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I love reading, so I approve. I'm currently having a stack myself...Brave New World, A Passage To India, The Bourne Identity...such fun. Now if I could only have more time/better mood for reading, then things would be better.

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Three Cups of Tea is eh. I (had to) read it for summer reading, and it was okay, I suppose. Non fiction really isn't my thing.


EDIT: Ooh, are you really a Lutheran? Nice to meet another one. :D

Yup, I'm Lutheran.^^ Nice to meet another one as well! And non-fiction isn't really my thing either, but it sounds like it could be an inspirational sort of thing to read, so I'll give it a whirl.


Sounds a bit kiddy.

Well, so am I, so it all works out nicely.=)


I'm also reading Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones for my AP English class, and I'm really into it.

Ugh. An AP class? I found that book to be extremely, well, to put it bluntly, juvenile for what people are making it out to be. I have yet to see the literary merit behind it, other than the fact that it antagonizes men and stereotypes women.

Just my two cents. It'd be a fine entertainment book, but people are analyzing it too far. And besides, I'm too stuck in my little equality-utopia mindset to enjoy such an obviously feminist book D:

But yeah the story was ok. I think I'll like the movie waaay more xD

Ugh, yes, AP. Though it's waaay better than Pre-AP English II last year. Fortunately, for this assignment, we don't really have to analyze the book we're reading so much as really think about the issues in it. I see what you mean about it being feminist, but there's so much more to it than that, I think.


Hey, reading rules.

Nothing's pathetic about obsessive reading. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

Well, no, but the way Raia does it is pretty pathetic, because she keeps grabbing new books when she knows perfectly well she doesn't even have time to finish the one she started three months ago.xD


I love reading, so I approve. I'm currently having a stack myself...Brave New World, A Passage To India, The Bourne Identity...such fun. Now if I could only have more time/better mood for reading, then things would be better.

Well if LK approves it, it must be good.xD And that list is made of win. Too bad you haven't gotten to read much of it.:/




I thought this entry was about Death to Analog... :(




But yay for obsessiveness. And reading is good too. I need to do more of that.

Why am I surprised?xD But anyhoo, yes, reading is good for you! Just like *cough*practicing your drawing*cough*...;P



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