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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Republic Commando Sev


So, I don't know about you guys, but I've been watching the Clone Wars Animated Series on TV, and I've seen all of Season 1, and the hour Premier of the second season. I really like them a lot, they have some great story plots. Oh, and they have a lot of cool battle scenes.

What are your favorite episodes? My favorite are "Rookies", "Liberty on Ryloth", and "The Hidden Enemy". (Cargo of Doom was also really good too...)



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I don't know the names of the episodes, but Mine's the one where the clones are trying to figure out who practically sabotaged a mission.


But if there is one thing that keeps me from actually liking The Clone Wars, it's Asoka. More annoying than Anakin (Pequel Anakin at that), and I'm eneraged that since she's apart of the light side, she can beat Grevious, a four armed lightsaber weilding manic, who killed hundreds of thousands of jedi/clones, but he can't kill a freaking apprentice.


Which brings me to the bounty hunter episodes. Very good quality episodes, minus the hutt with the voice that reminds me of a depressed, suicidal car with GPS voicing or whatever. For once, in the entire Star Wars series, did the light side not succeed. The light side and the republic should not be winning all the freaking time. The CIS won a few battles too.


So yeah. Those two.

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I haven't even seen an episode of it yet, as I do not have cable.


I'll get it when they release the Complete First Season on DVD and Blu-Ray next month. It'll give me something to test out the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player.



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I liked Rookies the best because of the lack of Jedi/Asoka


You spelled Ahsoka wrong. :P


I don't know the names of the episodes, but Mine's the one where the clones are trying to figure out who practically sabotaged a mission.


But if there is one thing that keeps me from actually liking The Clone Wars, it's Asoka. More annoying than Anakin (Pequel Anakin at that), and I'm eneraged that since she's apart of the light side, she can beat Grevious, a four armed lightsaber weilding manic, who killed hundreds of thousands of jedi/clones, but he can't kill a freaking apprentice.


Which brings me to the bounty hunter episodes. Very good quality episodes, minus the hutt with the voice that reminds me of a depressed, suicidal car with GPS voicing or whatever. For once, in the entire Star Wars series, did the light side not succeed. The light side and the republic should not be winning all the freaking time. The CIS won a few battles too.


So yeah. Those two.

I do have to agree with you, having Ahsoka beat Grevieous is lame.

And you spelled Ahsoka wrong to. :P


I haven't even seen an episode of it yet, as I do not have cable.


I'll get it when they release the Complete First Season on DVD and Blu-Ray next month. It'll give me something to test out the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player.



You can watch the full Episodes on StarWars.com.


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lovin the new bounty hunter episodes its getting more dark (which i like about it) the only character i hate is ahsoka sort of she's too how should i say annoying for a second i thought cad bane gonna was kill her

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I agree with Ahsoka vs Grievous. LAME. (I hope Dooku/Grievous kills her.)


My favorites would be:



-The Hidden Enemy

-All 3 Ryloth episodes

-Holocron Heist

-Cargo of Doom

-Children of the Force

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