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Smeag and Nik and I are cool now. So there. =PI had no idea there was a fad going on about making fun of their relationship. I didn't know about it until I read Smeag's blog. My comment wasn't intended to be part of that at all. For anyone taking part in such behavior, lay off them.Just so you guys know, Sunny's name change has nothing to do with Smeag and Nik. It was a joke from a different website. Sunny and I aren't romantically involved and don't know each other in real life, we're just very good friends on the interwebz. :PI fully respect the relationships of Smeag and Nikira and Turakii and TLH. They all rock... and TLH is really one heck of a dude, BTW. : DAnd now, we dedicate this blog entry in memoriam to a very lovely couple... and we also remind ourselves what internet arguments are often like. :P


lulz.jpg_thumb.jpg internet-argument.jpg_thumb.jpg <-- I love that image so much, I don't know why. :P


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Many, many hearts. <3<3

Wewt wewt <3


Is that HH's llama arguing with the little girl? :P



It's Spitty =O


Thanks for the shoutout Dokky =D But I must ask, what makes me "one heck of a dude"?


- :t::l::h:

What doesn't make you one heck of a dude? :P

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Thanks for the shoutout Dokky =D But I must ask, what makes me "one heck of a dude"?


- :t::l::h:

Your chromosomes for one, otherwise you'd be one heck of a chick B)


Also Dok did you coin Smeagkira cause if you did then I am very disappoint


very disappoint


but i doubt you did


but if you did then you fail

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I still don't know what fad people are talking about, I've seen jokes in that style maybe once or twice, and even then there was a lot of time between them, I don't see the fad.

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@DX: No I didn't

@Necro: Yeah I haven't seen the fad either, but Nikira mentioned it to me several times, so it must be out there. I don't really read other blogs anyway except for once in a while, lately, so I wouldn't know. :P

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@DX: No I didn't

@Necro: Yeah I haven't seen the fad either, but Nikira mentioned it to me several times, so it must be out there. I don't really read other blogs anyway except for once in a while, lately, so I wouldn't know. :P

Alrighty then. Because seriously that woulda just been lame and cheesy of you.







not the time or place, katie

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