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How To Tell If Someone's Annoying



If they call you "dude", "man", "babe", "bro" or any words of similar meaning for either gender other than your name in situations other than to save time, and even then only when understandably rushed.


Unless they are a bare-chested Hawaiian guy on a beach carrying or riding a surfboard with a necklace made of shark teeth. Then the rules of stereotypes allow it. Or Robert Plant. He just calls everyone "Babe".


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But using someone's name in every sentence you address them in is repetitive, and we all know how horrible repetition is. =O


EDIT: Just for the record, I don't really care.


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Come on dude, be a bro and lighten up!


I deplore when people use the word "man" when addressing other people. It's degrading. Use their real name, for crying out loud!

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Come on dude, be a bro and lighten up!


I deplore when people use the word "man" when addressing other people. It's degrading. Use their real name, for crying out loud!

Thats the point.




I only use these when I don't feel like using some ones name

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I think it's a bit more fun to say "Hey! Heyheyhey! You! Yes, YOU! I KNOW YOU, SO COME HERE. " and then do a frantic dance to get their attention.


....not that I've ever done that or anything.



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I ususally use dude in IMs whenever I'm excited about something, and IRL whenever I'm addressing one of my friends.


And then I usually use "bro" generally after "cool story".


I don't use "brah" very often because I don't think of it.


I usually use "baby" with my friends whenever I'm telling them to relax or chill.


I don't think I've ever used "man".


And "sweetheart" under sarcasm, regardless of gender.


But usually whenever I address someone, I choose much more aah flavorful terms. =P



Is it really annoying? o_O

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