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Weekly Update - 10/16

Black Six



Why'd it get so cold all of the sudden? And what's that white stuff on the ground outside? I really should be sitting in front of a cozy fire instead of writing a weekly update - I'm too good to you guys.



It's been a pretty slow news week this week. We had a rebuttal of Click and a new story serial, but that's about it. Hopefully we'll have a new and rather unique review this weekend.


So, behind closed doors, some stuff has actually been kind-of sort-of brewing. It's like a big cauldron filled with mystery meat - you never know what might come out. I can give you a few hints though.


There's going to be some staff changes coming up. Get your congratulations claps ready.


We're starting to plan for the next episode of the Powercast and are taking your feedback to heart. I endeavor to sound more upbeat and not so depressed next time. We're also going to try to make things more interesting in general. If you have anything you'd like to hear us discuss, let me know!


In addition to the unique review I mentioned above, we have another one in the works. Definitely not your standard fair, but it's also not a commonplace kind of thing either. Keep your eyes peeled.


Finally, we've been throwing around an idea for a new contest. This will be brand new for BZPower, so it may take a bit (read: a LOT) of time and planning. It may necessitate our finally updating certain rules as well. I know, I can hear your jaws hitting the floor.


Speaking of rules, some things were brought to my attention recently that I'm not so pleased with. Discussions need to be had and decisions need to be made. Why oh why does it have to be me (see below)?



1). What was your initial reaction when you were promoted to admin?


2.) What are you doing at this moment?


3.) Do you read all the messages you get?


4.) Were you into lego as a child?


5.) Can we like totally hang at Brickfair 2010?!?!?


6.) What was your first Bionicle set?


7.) Do you read the bionicle books?

1. Do I have to?

2. Answering your questions.

3. Every single one.

4. Of course. I was still a child when I joined BZPower many, many years ago.

5. I'm up for hanging out with all BZPower Members. Except for that one guy. Yeah, you know who you are.

6. Toa Tahu and Turaga Vakama. I got them both at the same time.

7. Nope.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this week, thanks for reading. Leave your feedback as always, and have a great weekend!


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It's snowing for you already? Luckyyyyyy


Also am I that one guy ;_; =P


also ew mystery meat


Anyways, glad to hear that even more updates are in the works, including updates of the rules. =)

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It's snowing for you already? Luckyyyyyy


Also am I that one guy ;_; =P


also ew mystery meat


Anyways, glad to hear that even more updates are in the works, including updates of the rules. =)

No, not lucky.


And no, it's not you. I think.

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Why does everyone love cold weather to death? Sure winter is kinda nice for a month and a half, but after you've had 6 months of winter, you'll welcome back the sun and warm.

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5. I'm up for hanging out with all BZPower Members. Except for that one guy. Yeah, you know who you are.


Well now you've gone and hurt my feelings.




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Why does everyone love cold weather to death?
Because snow kills. It's tough love.


There's going to be some staff changes coming up. Get your congratulations claps ready.

This should be interesting. On the Internet, no one can hear you clap.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


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Definitely not your standard fare, but it's also not a commonplace kind of thing either.

This statement brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. :P


If it's the review I'm thinking of, unique is almost too weak a word. There are no words to adequately desc--HAIL SPANKY

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Why does everyone love cold weather to death?
Because snow kills. It's tough love.


There's going to be some staff changes coming up. Get your congratulations claps ready.

This should be interesting. On the Internet, no one can hear you clap.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

If someone claps over the internet, and nobody is around to hear it, did they really clap?


Philosophy 101. ;)



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If the review this weekend is the one I'm thinking of, them you're over hyping it. :P


If it's the other one... :br:



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Cold weather=WIN.


We haven't had snow for 11 years. <_<


Also, new contest? Staff promotions? Updates in the rules? Sounds great.


Looking forward to all of it.



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Cold weather does not equal win, when it is this could out it means that the house temp is 80+ degrees. Not a cozy fireplace.

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Definitely not your standard fare, but it's also not a commonplace kind of thing either.

This statement brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. :P


If it's the review I'm thinking of, unique is almost too weak a word. There are no words to adequately desc--HAIL SPANKY

Yeah, this is pretty much what I'm thinking too. :P


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Why does everyone love cold weather to death? Sure winter is kinda nice for a month and a half, but after you've had 6 months of winter, you'll welcome back the sun and warm.

Thing is, over here, winter is only about a month and a half. Rest of the year is pretty hot.


IIRC, it hasn't snowed in my city for over 60 years... ;_;

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I love cold weather, but then again, I'm not the one who has to drive through it/shovel it... for the latter, more because we don't get that much snow to begin with. I just like having a fire going, with something hot to drink. So nice.
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Winter weather is all fun and games until you get a job and have to spend 8 hours pushing up to 10 shopping carts at a time uphill through a foot of snow and over a solid sheet of ice. All at the same time.


Yeah... I hate snow.

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I think I know about at least one of those reviews. :P


Oh, and staff changes are always exciting. :rolleyes: (Do not interpret that emoticon as me hoping to be promoted, after all, I don´t expect it at all. :P).


~Gata. ;)

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