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I've Been Thinking.

Metallic O'Dalek


I've been thinking, and have come to a conclusion. I am a figment of my own imagination. Discuss.


EDIT: Bump'd entr'y. ^_^


EDIT of EDIT: I feel like Bum'ping again today...


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Ah, but what if the cake is really a truth, and the spoon does exist, and everything else is actually a lie?

Then so are you so the cake is truth but all truth is perception so that means the cake thinks you are a lie and you think it is.

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I perceive that I am hungry, and as the cake is a figment, and I am a figment, and figments can eat figments, and the cake is not reality, does this mean I can eat the cake with the spoon? But what if the spoon is real? Can figments manipulate reality?

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I perceive that I am hungry, and as the cake is a figment, and I am a figment, and figments can eat figments, and the cake is not reality, does this mean I can eat the cake with the spoon? But what if the spoon is real? Can figments manipulate reality?

Yes they can and do all the time.

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But you can't be, because you're a figment of my imagination!




So you're schizophrenic?

dont break it to her or else we might go poof

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I only thought of one thing throughout this entire entry.


"Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"


im confus

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