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......your Kidding Me

Solaris Magnus


Tahu....looses his nuva powers in 2010...but the others dont




And he becomes a gold toa from Bionicle Heroes to replace his power




.........you are killing me here.....honestly



post your reaction <_<


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Hooray for jumping to conclusions! :P


Two things you should realize:

  1. BIONICLE Heroes was 100% non-canon.
  2. The gold pieces in the Stars sets, in all likelihood, are just incentives to buy all of them. Just like the silver Kanohi in '02, they don't mean anything.
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And maybe you guys should check the OGD before you start calling peoples' facts wrong. Greg confirmed everything said here, except the Bionicle Heroes gold toa thing. But the gold pieces are canonical. ;D




Anyway, that truly is interesting.



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heres ur proof

Hey Greg


I saw this quote recently, and it left me wondering about something:




10. Each BIONICLE Stars set includes a gold piece that can be used to replace the same ones on the Tahu Stars set (golden Hau, golden armors...). Is this canonical?



10) Yup




Dere you go....proof...now YOU dont jump to conclusions ;)


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heres ur proof

Hey Greg

I saw this quote recently, and it left me wondering about something:



10. Each BIONICLE Stars set includes a gold piece that can be used to replace the same ones on the Tahu Stars set (golden Hau, golden armors...). Is this canonical?

10) Yup

Dere you go....proof...now YOU dont jump to conclusions ;)


I wasn't jumping to conclusions, I DID check the OGD, and all I saw was Greg confirming Tahu was a Mata next year, I saw nothing about the gold pieces. Looking at it again, I still see nothing about Tahu becoming a super-Toa; It just says the gold pieces are canon, for all we know it could just be regular armor that happens to be gold.


I think TLC has gotten to the point where they thought "Bionicle has so many fans and is growing so fast that we can do what ever we want now"

Bai bai story line


That makes no sense whatsoever. That's like saying 'Well this TV show gets a lot of viewers and fantastic ratings every week, so we're gonna cancel it.'

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not you prism ;)


jus every one else who always says i jump to conclusions


and Anon, if you have a really good TV show, you usualy dont cancel it


then again look at transformers cybertron


when the story ended, they ended that show, and made a new one

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I did check the OGD, I saw nothing about the golden pieces being canon, I must've missed that.


Then you're excused. It's easy to miss stuff. :P


BUT THE REST OF YOU...My point remains. :P



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