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So..halloween, Ehh?



Why do I keep saying "Ehh?"


Anyway, Halloweens this week! I miss trick or treating, but sadly, we have NO young kids in the circle, so..we dont do Halloween..*sad*


But we dooo buy candy..just in case. And then the last of it gets sent to a drawer in my room :P


What about you?


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I never went trick or treating in my whole life... we always have a little family party, dressing up, a few halloween games... and pumpkin stuff (pumpkin soup, pumpkin cake...)

Yeah. ^^

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Last time I went trick-or-treating, I wore a Vezon costume. Unofficial, of course, but it's much better than the official LEGO ones.


Anyway, this year, I'll probably try to scare kids again. Problem is, our deadbeat neighbors never put any decorations on their houses so it's all dark, and people just assume we're not giving any candy either.

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I stopped trick or treating for some reason. It was my own choice. :P


I actually considered being in a haunted house this year dressed as Freddy Kreuger-type, but I don't know if I'll be able to do that.


And we don't usually stay at home for Halloween, because we forget to buy candy and kids come up and bug us.

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Practically every year when I was young, I went as...Pikachu. Every time.


This year though, not sure. Especially since it'll be tough finding a Pikachu costume that fits me.

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We don't get trick or treaters at our house, but for a few years we got free toilet paper... =| But we will go trick or treating (unless it's snowing or raining non stop) because my little brother is only three(and trick or treating is fun! =P). Last year I was a Jedi Night, but this year my sister want's me to dress up as someone from NCIS because she's being Abby from NCIS. But i don't think I will... Maybe I should make myself a Bionicle costume. =P



:s: :a: :k:

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A lot of times it would rain where we did and no one would go ToT. So out neighbors would give all the candy to us.


Unfortunately, they moved away...



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