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Na No Wri Mo

Lady Kopaka


National November Writing Month; read about it here.


Who else wants to do this with me? TNTOS reminded me about this a few weeks ago, and I officially decided I want to do it. Sort of late on asking since it starts in about three days, but still, even though I'm busy, if I really want to become a writer and take things seriously, I have to do this. Even if I don't finish, at least I tried my best.


It would be so awesome if I had some writing buddies to do this with me, to keep eachother encouraged. It would be such a good way to inspire us and just to start writing. This could go alongside with the Writers Club, too. Even if it's a cruddy story or you may never want to show anyone--but, you proved to yourself and others that you have the chops to write. Then again, remember that after November you can spend all of December and beyond editing it--and it could become one of the best things you have ever written.





  • Hahli Husky
  • Spink
  • Cap'n Kopaka
  • Tifosi 92
  • Kanohi Zatth
  • Sakaru
  • Miss Krahka
  • Jithra
  • Rockhound
  • ChocolateFrogs
  • Arpy
  • Jalina
  • Krakuaofsonics
  • Janus
  • Raia Svit-kona
  • Axinian the Anomaly
  • Torran
  • Vezok's Friend
  • Master of the Rahkshi
C'mon, lets get those pens and keyboards out! Grab an idea you like and don't worry about the quality, just write! Two more days til' it starts, good-luck!


(oh and, anyone have suggestions on a blog theme I could go with? I don't want super fancy, but my blog is looking awfully boring...)


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Yeah I didn't want to mention the site, but if HH says it's cool, then that takes some concern off my back.


I know my fingers will fall off before the end...but I want to do this so badly. I'm now trying to decide what story to do; I'm torn between three ideas.


But what's this about writing buddies? I don't really understand...

Okay, as long as we do not link to the site--NaNoWriMo can be done without joining and all that; but it's a thing set up by a site to really push it to be a 'Writing Month'. It's mainly a thing to help keep people encouraged and keep up with the news. Since there are no real prizes, judges, and all that, it really isn't required--but it does keep you excited and makes it more competitive.

EDIT: To people who don't want to join the site, or for us to have complications with BZP rules--we could have our own NaNoWriMo, for BZP.

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Hmmm.....Did this for the past two years...and I actually completed it the first of those years (2007) but I really don't think I'll have time this year...


Maybe though, just maybe.


EDIT: November first dawned and I had the urge to write a novel.


So I concede. Add me to the list.

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Gahaha I want to do this, but school...and life...and...and...


Oh, SCREW IT ALL, I'll do it with ya LK! I went and thought about it and I'm really excited now! I don't know how on earth I can get it done, but I want to try. And as you said, I can keep working on it beyond November...it doesn't matter if can't make it to 50,000 as long as I try. Yesss.


Is it acceptable to incorporate a few previously written passages into the "novel?" Or does it matter, since it looks like we might establish a separate BZP version? That would be awesome.



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I seriously wanted to at least try, but unfortunately it's on at the same time as my college's end-of-year Intensive Assessment Period. Which sucks, since it could've contributed nicely to my Year 12 Certificate. D=
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Glitch in the System would make a good theme.....


As for the writing....I've got so much going on I hardly find time for the writing and comic making I'm doing already. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Oh, SCREW IT ALL, I'll do it with ya LK! I went and thought about it and I'm really excited now! I don't know how on earth I can get it done, but I want to try. And as you said, I can keep working on it beyond November...it doesn't matter if can't make it to 50,000 as long as I try. Yesss.

THAT'S THE SPIRIT RAIA! Yes! If anyone wants to learn how to take writing seriously, or just learn how to write, THIS should be your attitude. I mean, yeah...life and school is important, but just replace gaming/procrastinating/lazy time with writing time, and you have it done.


Oh and, they want you to start from scratch, but they won't shoot you if you decide to rebel against the rules. I'll IM yah hun, and explain it more.



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I'm definitely going to do NaNoWriMo this year! I've done it for the past two years, but only reached 50,000 words last year. My username is Axinian the Chronicler.

I'm planning on a Bionicle fan fiction which I'll eventually be able to split into a pair of epics to post here on Bzp.


It really is a lot of fun, and a great experience. :)

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Interesting that you'd bring this up. I've been waiting for November to roll around so I can start. :D

I'll join in, then, since I'll be trying to do it anyways.

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Okay, so this is kinda embarassing to say, but if nayone has joined the Young Writer's NaNoWriMo I'm C.D Vitta there. Yeah, I joined the young version. Don't judge me. I just want to start out slow, with the minimum for my grade age... which is 9,000. Hopefully I'll reach more and next year, as i'll know about Na NoWriMo, I'll try to get to 50,000 or more. But good luck to all of us (especially everyone who will (or will try to) reach 50,000 and isn't a newbie like me).


BTW, if I create an account on the main site, but I don't write anything, will they delete my account? It's just so I can read your novels (if you dont mind).

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Don't feel embarrassed by it; I may had done the young version if I had time last year. 9,000 seems like a good count to start on.


To answer your questions. 1) No, they won't delete it 2) We don't upload our stuff; I mean, in theory we could, but there's really no option for that--it's just info on word count/title/summary/excerpt from story.

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I would have liked to join, but I think I just missed the deadline :rolleyes:

Bah, there's no deadline. Jump on in!

Well okay then!

So I just write the novelette and then post it here?

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I would have liked to join, but I think I just missed the deadline :rolleyes:

Bah, there's no deadline. Jump on in!

Well okay then!

So I just write the novelette and then post it here?

The rules are extremely loose, basically, the only requirement is: write a 50k word story (could be a novel or collection of short stories, of any genre, both fan fiction or original) by the end of November. You don't even have to post it here, just write.

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Ok, I offically can't live through November without writing a novel....


Add me to the list Lady K....


How's everybody doing so far?


EDIT @Lady K...Oh yeah, I added you as a writing buddy (my username's the same on as on my BZP quiz banner) Hope you don't mind ^_^

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Since I'm doing 9000 I decided an average of 500 words per day, and I'll be done before the end of the month. I've got about 920 words right now. And I read that for those on the 50K trek, it's about 1557 per day, or somethink like that. So, once again, good luck.

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