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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 169-176



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


NOTICE: Henceforth any "NAY" vote without an explanation will be disregarded.


The one-hundred-sixty-ninth article proposed by --V-- is as follows:

--V-- hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a one-of-a-kind Kanohi known as the Alega (uh-LEY-guh), the Legendary Great Mask of Domeshift. The mask grants its' user with the ability to imprint their vision of how the Dome of Xen should be into actually physical existence. Amongst other things this mysterious mask can cause seas to dry up, mountains to rise, beings to be erased from existence, and even create new life within the Dome of Xen. A user can activate the mask once and only once, at which time they can make as many changes to the dome as they see fit, however once the "reconstruction" has been completed, then the user is cast into "The Void", all memories of their time within Xen are erased, and they are no longer capable of entering into the dome that they have shifted to their will. Some see this as the Alega's own twisted sense of humor.


Throughout the history of the Dome of Xen the Alega has taken on many different forms and is bound to the interior of the Dome of Xen by the same unknown force that prohibits its' user from returning. The Mask of Domeshift has power over all things within the Dome of Xen and can only be activated high atop the Temple of Sanitarius. Once used the Alega becomes dormant for an indeterminate period of time that has been known to last as long as ten thousand years.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventieth article proposed by --V-- is as follows:

--V-- hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Ferlnox (FEHR-uhl-nocks), the Great Mask of Protoform, which allow the user to transmogrify any part of their body into a mass of ProtoSteel of any shape they desire for as long as they concentrate. The ProtoSteel part could range from a shield, to a mass of blades, to even a long whip, however the part remains an extension of the user, and thus is capable of experiencing pain, just as that region of the body would without being transformed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventy-first article proposed by Toa_Ausar & --V-- is as follows:

Toa_Ausar & --V-- hereby propose that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Lyiosp (LIGH-ahsp), the Great Mask of Magnetism, which permit the user to generate, manipulate, and absorb magnetic fields and magnetic energies, allowing them to bend various metals to their will, as well as achieve limited flight.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventy-second article proposed by --V-- is as follows:

--V-- hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Outras (OW-truhs), the Great Mask of Extraversion, which grant the ability to witness an external view of themselves, similar to an out of body experience. The user is then able to see themselves from a third person perspective, making the mask ideal in close combat situations or in situations where there are multiple threats nearby. Rather than a traditional fitting, this mask sits atop of the user's head, covering their eyes, but not their mouth. The appearance of the mask is often associated with the compound eye of and Insect Rahi.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventy-third article proposed by --V-- is as follows:

--V-- hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Slekux (SLEH-koohks), the Great Mask of Mechanics, which allow the user to rapidly repair even the most severe damage to machinery and other technology, provided that the necessary components can be found in the nearby vicinity, however the mask is useless when it comes to repairing organic materials. The length of time needed to make the repairs is directly dependent upon the extent of the damage and proximity of the spare components.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventy-fourth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a type of object known as "Duos Stones" (DOO-ohs STOHNS). Each ancient artifact is in fact two halves of the same stone, both about one-fifth of a bio tall, and one-tenth of a bio wide. These stones are unique because they contain Toa Energies, as well as an unknown power, which flows through them. Whoever created the Duos Stones remains unknown, but the purpose is clearly to boost the power levels of a pair of Matoran individuals.


In order to activate the curio, two Matoran must stand within one bio of each other, and both have their halves of a Duos Stone in hand. Next, they must orient the halves with one another in such a way that an axis of power can flow between them and surround the pair. Once the stone activates, then it is merged into the chest of its' respective owner. At this point, the axis pulls the two Matoran together, and merges both individuals into a single being.


Now this being is not a Kaita by any means, however, if used properly, two Matoran may become a single Toa with half its' body controlled by one Matoran, and the other half controlled by the second Matoran. The Matoran who possessed the right half of the Duos Stone would become the right half of the merged Toa and vice-versa. The resulting Toa would share both minds, be controlled by both individuals, have access to both Kanohi Powers, and would wield the Elemental Powers of both Matoran's Tribes.


Any beings other than Matoran who might try to use a Duos Stone will simply meet with failure. The bonding process is considered incredibly painful, possibly the worst pain that a Matoran will ever feel in their lives, and upon separation, the Matoran are completely exhausted, having pushed each of their bodies to their limits.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventy-fifth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists extremely rare weapons known as "Fang Daggers" (FANG DAGG-ehrs). These ancient weapons were created by order of the League of Six Kingdoms, however only a small handful of them were actually produced before the League's defeat at the hands of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Following this event, Miserix ordered the destruction of all Fang Daggers.


The weapon's appearance is similar to an ordinary dagger, apart from the end of the hilt, where a golden sphere with swirling darkness inside sits, revealing the dagger's true identity. If a Fang Dagger is plunged into an opponent, almost instantaneously the user can extract the life energies of the target. At this point the user may choose to either retain said life within the sphere, or rapidly return it into the target, rendering the victim unconscious, yet still alive. The artifact can house up to three lives per day, after which point it basically becomes a simple stabbing implement until a new day dawns.


The weapon's power can only be utilized by a being with the mental discipline necessary to access Kanohi Powers, however, as a side effect, a Fang Dagger's user can only wear powerless Kanohi. This is because it takes that much mental concentration to use, however, as anyone who possesses a Fang Dagger would say, the trade-off is vastly worthwhile.


It is rumored that a few of these Fang Daggers escaped destruction by the Brotherhood and were scattered across the Matoran Universe. Thus a Fang Dagger is one of the primary treasures sought by the Kabarn species.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventy-sixth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a pair of extremely rare defensive implements known as "Mirror Shields" (MEER-ehr SHEELDS). These ancient, golden, reflective tools were created by Makuta Tridax for use in the Brotherhood of Makuta. Their main purpose was to be an invincible defense mechanism, capable of absorbing a blow and then reflecting it back in any direction. In essence the shield would "capture" the attack prior to throwing it aside. The entire endeavor was, according to the Brotherhood, a complete failure.


It is rumored that the two shields were discarded somewhere in the Southern Islands. Thus a Mirror Shield is one of the primary treasures sought by the Kabarn species.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, November 16th, 2009 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 169 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT", also

Articles 170, 171, 172, & 173 have all passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 174 has passed with a total of "EIGHTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", meanwhile

Articles 175 & 176 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

169: If the mask only funstions with the Dome of Xen, then Aye. Otherwise (As in it can function in any dome) Nay.


170: Aye


171: Aye.


172: Ooh... Interesting... AYE!


173: Aye.


174: It sounds like Psi-Ops. :P Aye.


175: Aye.


176: Aye.




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Article 169- Undecided. What is the Dome of Xen, and why would this mask affect only that dome?

Article 170- Aye.

Article 171- Aye. We have masks of Gravity, Lightning, etc, so this is cool with me.

Article 172- Aye. I'm sure the appearance would be interesting on a Toa.

Article 173- Undecided. If you're in, say, a desert, it doesn't help much unless you have a bunch of scrap metal around.

Article 174- Nay. For one, I don't see how it can't be a Kaita. Also, controlling one half of a body would be akward.

Articl 175- Aye. Storing lives sounds cool.

Artilce 176- Aye. Who are the Kabarn?




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Em ~ The prospective Legendary Kanohi Alega would indeed be bound solely to the Dome of Xen. ;)


Tohunga Tahnok ~ The Dome of Xen is the southernmost Dome in the Midwestern Islands and the prospective Legendary Kanohi Alega would only affect that dome because that's how --V-- wants it. Oh, and for more on the Kabarn, see Article 92. :lookhere:


Tarth ~ In the future, please remember to refrain from the blanket "I vote such-and-such to all" votes. :uhuh:


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Aye to Article 169. I see no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 170. I like this mask and I can see many uses for it.


Aye to Article 171.


Aye to Article 172. This just sounds cool. :P


Aye to Article 173. I may use this in my epic if I ever get it started...


Aye to Article 174.


Aye to Article 175.


Aye to Article 176.

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Article 169-AYE

Article 170- AYE

Article 171-AYE

Article 172-AYE

Article- 173-AYE

Article 174- AYE, sounds very interesting..

Article 175-AYE, I like it a lot!

Article 176- AYE, reminds me quite a bit of the Legend of Zelda.. but it’s a pretty good idea.


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Guest kopakanuva13


169: Pretty complicated and extremely powerful, but it seems like a key point in an epic and wouldn't do any harm. Aye.

170: Aye.

171: Aye.

172: Aye.

173: Aye. The name sounds a lot like that of the "Mask of Biomechanics", though, which might cause some problems =\

174: Aye, interesting.

175: Aye, and I might actually use such an object in my upcoming epic, "Late Dawns" O:

176: Aye. Poor Tridax and his failed stuff though, I was just about to propose an article about a far-from foolproof device made by Tridax =P


~Cap'n K

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169- UNDECIDED. Seems a bit odd, and useless. I'm sure its important, though.

170- AYE. Useful, indeed.

171- AYE.

172- AYE. Creative, and sure to help one in combat.

173- AYE.

174- AYE.

175- AYE. Awesome.

176- AYE.


All 'AYE's without reason simply mean I can't think of any objections or questions to them. I'm totally fine with them.

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Guest kopakanuva13


169- UNDECIDED. Seems a bit odd, and useless. I'm sure its important, though.

Useless? I don't think being able to alter reality within a certain area is that useless... O.o

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At this time I'm going to remain "UNDECIDED" on Article 169. I'm leaning towards a "NAY" here because I don't like the idea of a mask being able to snuff out or create life on a whim. The geographical changes I'm fine with, but the repercussions of the rest? :uhuh:


Now, as far as Article 170 goes, I really don't like the idea, but my personal tastes shouldn't be my sole reason for opposition so I'll reluctantly vote "AYE" here.


I am however in favor of the descriptions for Articles 171, 172, & 173 and, although I totally understand Cap'n K 's concerns over that last one, I still choose to vote "AYE" on these despite my personal dislike for both the Kanohi name and Power Name of the Slekux, Mask of Mechanics. :shrugs:


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Articles 174, 175, &176 as I have no reason to oppose any of them.


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Article 169 - Nay, Geographical changes are OK but I dont really like the other stuff it does.

Article 170 - Aye, sounds like that game Prototype.

Article 171 - Aye.

Article 172 - Aye.

Article 173 - Aye, though I dont know about that name...

Article 174 - Aye.

Article 175 - Aye.

Article 176 - Aye.



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169: Nay; if this portion is to remain the same, "beings to be erased from existence, and even create new life within the Dome of Xen." I don't know if a single mask should really contain that much power.

170: Aye

171: Aye

172: Aye

173: Aye, but perhaps it could use another title (as it's a bit too close to the Mask of Biomechanics)

174: Aye

175: Aye

176: Aye

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Article 169: UNDECIDED, the ability to remove or create life with a thought sounds too powerful for a Great Mask. Course, I suppose you could kill through the geographic changes. :unsure:

Article 170: AYE, I'm little iffy about it, but it sounds cool and plausible.

Article 171: AYE, no reason to oppose.

Article 172: AYE, an interesting power for sure.

Article 173: AYE, although it might be more effective if it was capable of creating the necessary components out of raw materials.

Article 174: AYE, most certainly a unique power and would definitely require teamwork.

Article 175: AYE, though the ability to store life energy has me a little iffy.

Article 176: AYE, I like it.


Tohunga Tahnok: A Kaita is the willed physical and psychic merge of two or more beings by embracing their unity and working together. The Duos Stones force their users into a Fusion, like the Mask of Fusion or the Spear of Fusion.

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Aye to all stated articles. I'm always open to new Kanohi ideas, and many of these sound cool and creative. Although, I must say, the Alega seems rather bizarre to me, so let's just hope that it has a good role in its storyline and doesn't become a pseudo-Ignika. :unsure:



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Article 173: AYE, although it might be more effective if it was capable of creating the necessary components out of raw materials.

It is my understanding that a prospective Slekux would indeed be capable of creating the necessary components from their most basic sub-units.


In other words, the limitation is for say, when a Toa is on a wooden raft in the middle of the endless ocean and there's no ore for mio around. ;)


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169: It seems too powerful, God powers in a mask? It also seems really unnecessary. Being bound to a certain dome seems strange too. Nay.


170: Aye, interesting.


171: Aye.


172: Strange, but very cool! Aye!


173: Aye.


174: Nice, aye.


175: Aye.


176: Aye.

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Article 169: Undecided, if it's a Legendary Kanohi, what are the effects of it being destroyed? Also as Toa_Ausar brought up, I don't like its life creation and destruction abilities, unless the entire Dome of Xen is some sort of "virtual reality" type of thing where the life in question is illusory or synthetic. Nay, since I never received a satisfactory answer.

Article 170: Aye, this power is sort of far-fetched, but it would be useful.

Article 171: Aye, no problem I can see.

Article 172: Aye, but the name "Extraversion" might be misleading as extraversion usually refers to the psychological concept of a person being outgoing and friendly. Perhaps something like "Mask of Self-Seeing" would be clearer.

Article 173: Undecided; maybe I'm misunderstanding the mask's abilities, but wouldn't a Kiril be able to accomplish this same thing more efficiently? Aye, given Toa_Ausar's point that this is not something that would necessarily mean the mask couldn't exist.

Article 174: Aye, quite an interesting idea.

Article 175: Undecided. I like the idea, but it's a bit unclear - if the life energies are not immediately returned, what are they good for, and where do they go after the end of a day? Also, is it possible to give someone the life energies of a person you had already stabbed earlier, essentially giving that earlier victim a new body? Having received a satisfactory answer, I am changing my vote to Aye.

Article 176: Again, undecided since it's not fully clear. If the endeavor was a failure, does this mean that the shields can't actually do what they intended to, or the Brotherhood simply didn't find them as useful as they expected them to be? Having received a satisfactory answer, I am changing my vote to Aye.

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Article 172: Aye, but the name "Extraversion" might be misleading as extraversion usually refers to the psychological concept of a person being outgoing and friendly. Perhaps something like "Mask of Self-Seeing" would be clearer.

Article 173: Undecided; maybe I'm misunderstanding the mask's abilities, but wouldn't a Kiril be able to accomplish this same thing more efficiently?

In addition to the psychological condition, the literal definition of the term "Extraversion" is, "the act of directing one's attention outward to things outside the physical self", which in my opinion seems very fitting for the prospective Outras.


The prospective Slekux does indeed seem like a limited Kiril, but that's not unprecedented, for example the Huna is basically a limited Volitak. ;)


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Article 175: Undecided. I like the idea, but it's a bit unclear - if the life energies are not immediately returned, what are they good for, and where do they go after the end of a day? Also, is it possible to give someone the life energies of a person you had already stabbed earlier, essentially giving that earlier victim a new body?

Article 176: Again, undecided since it's not fully clear. If the endeavor was a failure, does this mean that the shields can't actually do what they intended to, or the Brotherhood simply didn't find them as useful as they expected them to be?

The dagger-the energies just dissipate over the course of a day. This makes the user's targets more important to pick, since otherwise, it's not the powerful weapon it once was after all three uses. And no. Once you pull the dagger from a body, the energy can't be used in anything. No returning it to the corpse, or to another body, or anything.


The shield-the shield works, just not as was originally intended. The original intention was for more of a temporal manipulation, or, like the Olmak. When that test was a failure, the shield was deemed a failure. In essence, the Brotherhood didn't know the shield had any powers, because they didn't test for the power that it does have.

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one-hundred-sixty-ninth article "NAY", that's just too powerful, even for one dome. Its control over life is what shook me. Revise it a bit maybe.


one-hundred-seventieth article "AYE"


one-hundred-seventy-first article "AYE"


one-hundred-seventy-second article "AYE"


one-hundred-seventy-third article "AYE"


one-hundred-seventy-fourth article "AYE"


one-hundred-seventy-fifth article "AYE"


one-hundred-seventy-sixth article "AYE"

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169: Nay. This seems too powerful; I can see the use and it's relation to a canon mask/power, but I dont like how similar or powerful it is.

The rest will be aye. Again, a bit wary of the power of some of these masks, but I dont think the rest are too out there.

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Second ballot:

First, I say
to Article 169, on account of the fact that the user has control over life and death. If that were to change, I'd vote otherwise.


Next, I vote
to Articles 170-176.

Done. :P


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