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Owl City



Strange. I heard the "Fireflies" single on the radio a bunch and really liked it. Then I happened to listen to some of their other stuff so I broke down and bought the entire CD (on Amazon... electronically) The album is pretty good, and there are only a couple of songs I don't like listening to.


Now, suddenly, it's like everybody's into this band. Did I just jump on the bandwagon early, or has everybody always liked them and I'm just now noticing it? :blink:




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I'm tempted to have to believe that a bunch of people that listen to non-mainstream stuff* liked them and then gradually others like you and me (first you and then a while later me) find out and are like "ZOMG they're amazing!!!" and then everyone else is like "yeah...."


*For all I know Owl City could be mainstream and on the radio, etc, and I just haven't greatly listened to the radio since summer before college Freshman year (over a year ago).


I need to go blog about Owl City as well...lol



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ChocoFrogs, a good way to tell if something is mainstream is its ranking on iTunes top 10/50/100 songs. Fireflies is number 1 right now. Its mainstream. hehe


And xccj, you're like in the middle. The song has been popular/listened to/played on the radio for a bit, but before that no one listened to Owl City or probably even knew who they were.


I do remember a while ago, about the end of summer (August), I found the album on iTunes and immediately wondered why it was not more mainstream. Then I decided it was going to get popular eventually. Even more to my amazement though is that it wasn't Hello Seattle that got popular, but Fireflies.

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ChocoFrogs, a good way to tell if something is mainstream is its ranking on iTunes top 10/50/100 songs. Fireflies is number 1 right now. Its mainstream. hehe




Even more to my amazement though is that it wasn't Hello Seattle that got popular, but Fireflies.

Yeah, Hello Seattle is my favorite. (Might have something to do with it was their first song I heard.) Then there's Strawberry Avalanche and Hot Air Balloon...

Oh well.

(I had Nukaya play Hello Seattle on her radio show, so it's getting some airtime!)



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I discovered Owl City a couple of months ago, but I swear in the past two weeks everyone and their sister discovered him. I haven't seen someone gain so much popularity this fast EVER.

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Oh, wow, they are number one...


I know I'm not the first... my sister actually heard about them first, because she's always downloading the "iTunes free song of the day" and Fireflies was used a couple of months back. But even when I bought the album, it seems like it was still a vauge album... and I can see why, because it has a different sound then most of the other stuff I heard on the radio. (Which, I admit, I don't listen to as much now since I'm back in a double room)


As for favorites, besides Fireflies, I like Title Wave, Saltwater Room, Umbrella Beach, the Tip of the Iceberg, and most of the others. I do not like Dental Care, and strangely, Hello Seattle. The latter feels a bit too slow compared to his other stuff, and the inaccuracies just kill me (since I am living in Seattle... please, Puget Sound doesn't have sandy bottoms, seahorses, or manta rays... only thing he got really right, IMO, is mountains and rain.) And to be fair, I haven't really listened to his other stuff... :guilty2:


And I'll put this out there... the other cool album I got recently was Jet's "Shaka Rock" which is awesome in its own right.



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I'm gonna pop in here and say that I was into him since /before/ he was cool, way back in June before his second album came out. Saw him in concert too, again, before he was big. =P


(Btw, you shoulda gotten Ocean Eyes on iTuens. The remix of Hello Seattle is the best song to dance to when in a car)

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(Btw, you shoulda gotten Ocean Eyes on iTuens. The remix of Hello Seattle is the best song to dance to when in a car)

That sounds dangerous... dancing in your car. I heard that... didn't quite like it anyway, plus the Amazon album was cheeper.



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:kaukau:No, not everyone. I hate it. It's only made worse by the fact that everybody else thinks the exact opposite. Fireflies has made it to my list of annoying songs. It will likely remain their as number one for a few more months before another song comes along and dethrones it.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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