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The Pros And Cons Of Free Lunch



We're going on free and reduced lunch.



-No more brought lunches that get crushed under all my school stuff


-Saves us money (which we really need)



-After bringing for almost three years, people are going to ask why I'm buying all of a sudden

-I don't want to tell anyone, out of pride (you guys don't count cuz I can't really shame myself too bad on BZP)

-God forbid anyone does find out, I worry that I might be subject to teasing


The pros definitely outweigh the cons to me, though.


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Pride. No one really wants to go on a free lunch program because they're too proud. We've been eligible (in times when it could have been more useful), but my mom only just decided to swallow her pride and put us on. I'm not sure I really have, though.
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I'm on free lunch.. I seriously don't get how that would hurt anyone's pride. If the people you're trying to impress care that much about your financial status, maybe you ought to reconsider something.


My friends think it's pretty cool, 'cuz I get lunch sometimes when I don't even want it and I give it to someone who does. XD

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I'm on free lunch.. I seriously don't get how that would hurt anyone's pride. If the people you're trying to impress care that much about your financial status, maybe you ought to reconsider something.


My friends think it's pretty cool, 'cuz I get lunch sometimes when I don't even want it and I give it to someone who does. XD


Yeah; I guess you're right. I told one of my friends about it today, and they just sorta said it was cool and shrugged it off. I'm sure everyone else would take it that way...


Haha, that's cool. :D My friends would never accept my whole lunch - they're too nice - but I don't think I'd give it away anyway. I'm a pig. ^_^

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