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Work At Home Is The Best, In My Say. Kinda.



You guys never knew I worked? Get with the times people. :P


As some know, my Grandad is one of the top Nursing practitioners. He goes around the country teaching at big courses. So naturally, he gets lots of Email and stuff.


And that is where I come in.


See, I may be 17, yet I can not drive (yet) And I dont trust my own mom in a car, and my grandad leaves early each day, so I dont leave my house.


Unless it's for school or food. And Walking Logan. So anyway, Everyday at lunch, I stop whatever I'm doing, open my grandad's email and sort though the spam and the business stuff. And it's pretty easy, and good with the money. Gotta save up, ya know.


The way my system works, grandad buys anything I need, art books, food, new sets each year, that stuff. But I save what I earn so that maybe one day, I can have my own house. On a beach. Or an island.


Or in the sky. I'm not quite sure.


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On a somewhat related note, I managed to make over $70 for picking up dropped change in school over the course of the year, starting August 3. I suppose after last year when I bought that DSi, Skopio XV-1, and Thornatus V9, I learned the benifits of saving money.
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