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Dear ΤΝΤoran 1

Takuma Nuva


Dear Bombay,


Why are you answering letters instead of watching TV?





P.S. Don't sue me.

Well now, Tavakai, it has to do with quantam phsyics there's many possible reasons. One such possible reason could be that I'm trying to do my part to REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING by turning off the tube for a bit. Or, it could be that Tirvon is holding a chainsaw he swiped from Xarna over the TV until I finish this reply. I'll let you decide.


Of course, I could always sue him for carrying a concealed weapon (I mean, nobody outside the house even knows he has it!) but the time it would take me to write up the papers would make me miss the next showing of Emeril. I'm pretty sure that's a crime in some or another country.


Got a question for the TNToran? Drop them a line!


<End Track>

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