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Am I The Only One...

Lady Kopaka


...that's happy about this recent news?


I mean, I'll miss the sets. But I haven't been able to afford sets for years, anyway...I was always into the storyline. With this though, I'm quite content. Bionicle won't be held back by the sets, so maybe there's a good chance Bionicle can be flipped around so we can go back to that awesome mysterious, compelling story and characters. I haven't been very picky over the years, and I have enjoyed this series as well, but lately it's been way too confusing and rushed. This should be great for us older audiences too, maybe.


Yep, quite happy indeed!


This is making me more excited about a comic I have planned for sometime next year.


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Greg has said in the talkback topic that Bionicle's storyline will most likely take a turn for the better (in my opinion, anyway :P) now that it's not confined to the sets. I for one am highly excited about this, even if it means no more comics or books.


If there is a bright side to this, it is this: in the past, the story has been very much shackled to the sets. It had to feature as many sets as possible for that year, it couldn't spend much time on past sets/characters, and was by and large confined to one location. Now the shackles are off. Stories can focus on a lot of characters or just a few, with any mix of old and more current ... stories you guys have wanted to see, but couldn't, because of the need to show current sets can now be delved into ... it is, in a sense, a whole new day for the BIONICLE story. LEGO is 100% behind keeping the story going on BIONICLEstory.com, and I gladly said yes when they asked if I would keep writing it. So let's take the story forward together from summer 2010 on.
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Unfortunately, I still don't have that much confidence in the storyline. I haven't read anything that suggested we're going back to a mysterious and compelling story. Considering we're keeping the same author, things may very well be even more confusing and rushed.


But we shall see. :)

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Unfortunately, I still don't have that much confidence in the storyline. I haven't read anything that suggested we're going back to a mysterious and compelling story. Considering we're keeping the same author, things may very well be even more confusing and rushed.


But we shall see. :)


Greg's been the writer since day one. And 2001 wasn't exactly rushed, aside from the lack of time to fully flesh out the quest for the masks and such in the comics. =P

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Unfortunately, I still don't have that much confidence in the storyline. I haven't read anything that suggested we're going back to a mysterious and compelling story. Considering we're keeping the same author, things may very well be even more confusing and rushed.


But we shall see. :)


Greg's been the writer since day one. And 2001 wasn't exactly rushed, aside from the lack of time to fully flesh out the quest for the masks and such in the comics. =P

What about Carla Hapka?


And actually LK, I always liked the sets much more than the storyline, so I'm not too happy.



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I'm fine with the news, although I think my posts keep getting buried in the topic. :P


They've been trying to reboot BIONICLE various times by now, and most recently, it didn't work out quite as well at they planned, at least not in my opinion. Making a new line, while still keeping the BIONICLE story going, will release the sets from the chains of an old story while releasing the BIONICLE plot from the chains of the sets.


Sounds good to me.

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Ratsel: She wrote the books. Greg's been writing the comics since day one; Just open up Comic one and look at the staff list on the second or third page and you'll notice his name on it. ;)

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I do see your reasoning about the story, but I can't help but to feel sad about losing the sets, comics, and additional movies. :(

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Unfortunately, I still don't have that much confidence in the storyline. I haven't read anything that suggested we're going back to a mysterious and compelling story. Considering we're keeping the same author, things may very well be even more confusing and rushed.

IMO, the rushed/confused stuff was forced on Greg; because of time limits and sets. If you ever read Time Trap, or some other various Bionicle stories or parts of the storyline--it can be good. Greg knows what he's doing, but he's had to sacrifice a lot to fit the needs of what LEGO wanted.


I do see your reasoning about the story, but I can't help but to feel sad about losing the sets, comics, and additional movies. :(

I know, and I feel for that, especially the people who liked all that...the only reason I'm okay with it is just 'cause I could never afford any of that to begin with.

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I really don't think you're the only one. Around 2008 or so it got sickening and I probably haven't gotten any set in a year. GregF made some really nice looking comics but after the 5th year of having him run the storyline he continued basically repeating it in the end and I gave up.

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I totally know how you feel; I'm just sad because Bionicle has been the one constant in my life for nine years. In that time, I've moved twice, gone to four different school and three different churches. So many things change in my life, but I could always go pick up Tahu and Makuta and feel like I was seven years old again. And I always had the anticipation of another new year. Now I just feel like more of my childhood is falling away.


It's really a nostalgic thing more than anything else.

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Nah. I agree with the constantly pointed out fact that the story seems to have gotten more rushed and sloppy in recent years, and I think Lego is definitely doing this at the right time. I'll admit Bionicle has been a large part of my childhood as well, but at this point with my art and stories (what little snippets of story I have in my head, anyway), the themes of bionicle are becoming more of a jumping off point than a theme to be consistently followed for me. Come to think of it, Bionicle is really quite amazing in that it's the only story I've ever seen that made cyborgs not creepy.


And besides, there's a new line, right? Just as Throwbots were succeeded with RoboRiders, so must Bionicle be replaced by something new. Although I do worry a bit about exactly what they meant by "more flexible", since red and blue pins and axles were introduced to make Bionicle more accessible to younger fans, even though I think mixing in bright colours doesn't do squat and is frankly a bit insulting to the intelligence of younger folks... I mean, I played with Throwbots when I was like six, and I didn't need no stinkin' brightly coloured pins! But I'm getting off topic, this isn't a pin/axle colour topic...


Y'know, I never thought I'd actually be around to see the time BZP shifted focus to a new line. I mean I knew it was inevitable, but I didn't think I'd still be a member by then. At least, I assume we're going to shift focus to this new line. Sure, we'll still discuss the new story updates and make fan works set in the MU, but I can't imagine us making the effort to be hung up on an effectively discontinued line when there's new stuff around.



Also, just thought I should say sorry for seeming like I'm just ignoring everybody, I'm posting less than ever and my Bionicle art, while I'm sure I have the ability and the ideas, is going nowhere. Heh, I'm a lurker to the core. And thanks for congratulating me on becoming an OPBZPC, LK.

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I'm kind of inbetween,I'll miss the sets and I'm sad they'll be no more.


But I'm overjoyed at how much free reign we'll have over the story so we can shape it to be whatever we want it to be.

GregF knows his stuff so we should be well off in terms of storyline.



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I'm not sure -how- to feel at the moment...but losing the sets isn't a big deal to me. I did entertain myself by criticizing the sets to my brother, just to annoy him.xD The story has always been my interest. So if the story survives, then I'm fine with it.


Unfortunately, I still don't have that much confidence in the storyline. I haven't read anything that suggested we're going back to a mysterious and compelling story. Considering we're keeping the same author, things may very well be even more confusing and rushed.

IMO, the rushed/confused stuff was forced on Greg; because of time limits and sets. If you ever read Time Trap, or some other various Bionicle stories or parts of the storyline--it can be good. Greg knows what he's doing, but he's had to sacrifice a lot to fit the needs of what LEGO wanted.


Time Trap was awesome. Just to put that out there. Out of all the books, that one was one of my favorites, besides The Darkness Below. The stories have always been limited by what sets or whatever Lego wanted him to pitch, so maybe we'll get some more stuff like that now.


And one of these days, I need to go get caught up on all the serials--whether they're rushed or not. I don't want to be sitting here not knowing what happened in 2009 when 2010 gets here.xD It's really not that far away.D:



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I've always been more into the story, but the news still makes me sad. Bionicle captured my imagination from the start. I always saw it as something very special, not only for having a unique plot, but for all of the art and fan connections that came with it. Furthermore, it played a complex role in my life. I could escape for a while if my real life was'nt happy. If I didn't like the story (2005, 2007, and the end of 2008), I'd focus on something closer to home. It provided themes that I took to heart, especially that of teamwork. Also, my fandom led me to places I might not have gone otherwise: joining BZP, attending the Comic-Con, and creating fan art are all examples.


I know some people will do less Bionicle-related stuff, but I don't know if that will happen to me. I like drawing the characters, and my story "WhiteFlower" is finally coming together.


For the set collectors and MoC-ers, I understand that this is truly the end for you. I have collected sets in the past, and it was a lot of fun. There is one consolation: Bionicle inspired the creation of so many pieces, they are bound to show up on other Lego sets.


I'm glad that the story will continue on. Of all of the results of Greg's new freedom, I especially look forward to fewer transformations. The Matoran-Toa-Turaga system was okay, the Mata to Nuva change was okay, but after that it wasn't inspiring.


Here's to seeing what will happen in 2010!





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I'm only relieved, not really happy or sad about it. As I said, probably a good time to get out, but still good that the story is still going.



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Oh my gosh, Lady K....you have just made me more excited about the future of BIONICLE than I've been since basically the beginning.

You just made me think of how they could make it so awesome now...and with greg's statement....man...I am so psyked now!


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I don't like the fact that they're discontinuing the sets, but I'm happy that the storyline may turn for the better.


And I think that some people are overreacting with the whole "BIONICLE is ending!" thing.

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I was actually thinking the same, Lady. Of course, disco'ing the sets now means its overall end is probably close at hand. But really, I can't think of any of their lines with an in-depth story that lasted this long. Lego did very good stretching this one out. A part of me is a little happy, feeling like now I'll actually be able to catch up. Once I do, I think I might start writing some fanfiction again.


So it's a mixed feeling, really.

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To be honest, I'll be looking forward to what Greg may cook up with this, but I'm not very optimistic, simply because I've been dissatisfied with the story lately, and as such am a bit fearful this will just push it way beyond what I can enjoy.


Either way though, to each their own, and I will be waiting to see what happens and will try to think about it optimistically at the very least.

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