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Oh, Great and Mighty EmperorWhenua! We gather here today to show you gratitude for all you have bestowed upon the human race! To our dismay, being only mere mortals, we can only manage to give you the tiniest fraction of thanks that you so richly deserve, but we beg you to show understanding and accept what little we can offer.


We thank you repeatedly for being so generous as to share you presence with us mortals! The moment you came into our insignificant world, we rejoiced worldwide and spent two weeks in joyful celebration, which continues evermore in our hearts! Even had you only decided to share with us only your thumb or big toe, that alone would have satisfied us, and our EmperorWhenua adoration would still have never been enough!


Please, we beg you, continue to bless us with your mighty Whenua of Emperorishness.




Your Thankful Yet Humble Fellow Beings

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But I'm from Holland, we don't have Thanksgiving :P

Thanks to you anyway, and have an nice day tomorrow ^_^


~Blue Dragon~


:kaukau:Ja, Ich bin der Nederland. Nederland uber Alles!


Okay, I know that was German. Sorry. But I figured that I might as well be in Holland, given the culture of my town.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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