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Naw, the Bionicle storyline is a monstrosity that needs to die.




Yaa killit.


I already consider it to have died in 2007, and pretend that the whole Mahri-Nui/Karda-Nui/Bara Magna story never happened.



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It won't be limited by sets = good because we'll get to hear about our old favorites and the annoying characters will no longer have set shields.


It won't be limited by sets = bad, because our favourite characters will no longer have set shields.


I honestly don't know though, because we don't know enough about what the extended story will contain. Hopefully the main storyline will end when the sets do and we will get a proper conclusion, not on some annoying cliffhanger forcing us to follow the extended storyline as well.


The extended story should be epilogues and expansions of side stories, not a continuation of the main story.

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Let's just all pretend that after the Turaga were done telling the Toa about Metru Nui they went there and then the story ended.
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The story died a long time ago, in my opinion. That's why I only write my own now.



Quoted for truth.


There's a point where your continuous BIONICLE-bashing gets ridiculous and annoying.


You passed that point.

Quoted for false.

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Let's just all pretend that after the Turaga were done telling the Toa about Metru Nui they went there and then the story ended.


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There's a point where your continuous BIONICLE-bashing gets ridiculous and annoying.


You passed that point.

I say good riddance, BIONICLE stopped being what it was originally yeeears and years ago.

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But maybe now that Greg's got full control, without having to follow the sets and movies and whatnot, we'll get somethign great again. Give it a chance, guys. :P

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The story died a long time ago, in my opinion. That's why I only write my own now.



Quoted for truth.


There's a point where your continuous BIONICLE-bashing gets ridiculous and annoying.


You passed that point.

Quoted for false.

Question. What the heck are you trying to accomplish by bashing BIONICLE? How much more is accomplished by saying "BIONICLE sucked and needed to die" than is accomplished by simply saying "I dislike BIONICLE and the direction it went in, I'm not disappointed by its ending" (albeit a bit less formal)? It conveys the same point and in a nicer way less likely to stir up trouble.

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Someone's taking this way too seriously...

Heck no. Why would I? I don't care that much about BIONICLE anymore- I'm just curious as to why it's necessary for people to bash things instead of calmly stating they dislike them... It's such a common thing, and there's really no point- Unless, of course, it's something like the comedies forum. I approve of comedies forum bashing.


I guess it's just me, but I hate seeing things made fun of that many other people still enjoy- it just looks like trolling to me.

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You're writing many words about your dislike of people's intensive dislike of BIONICLE.



Amusing, isn't it?


There's nothing wrong with expressing dislike of something. I'm merely asking why it's necessary to express this dislike using harsh words and phrases such as "monstrosity" and "needs to die".


But whatever, I'm done here.

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I've liked the storyline consistently. I am optimistic about the direction it's going in, especially since we now know that said "direction" will be working toward a conclusion (presumably).


Not going to debate about this, because really, I can't make a person like the direction BIONICLE's gone in. But I liked BIONICLE in 2007, and I liked it in 2008, and I like it now (although the shift from primarily books to primarily serials takes away some of the huge-chunk-in-one-sitting goodness I tend to prefer).


2010 (and, from what we've heard, 2011) will probably be fairly entertaining, although I hope Greg will still be able to structure the story well during that timespan without the sets and year overviews chosen in advance. In other words, I don't want it to be a huge character mish-mash like the 2008 and 2009 serials-- those were appropriate for the storylines of those years, but the overall BIONICLE universe seems to be consolidating itself and I think the story should follow suit. Old characters should still appear, but not in an expanding web of individual storylines, but rather in one or a few solid story chains which we can follow consistently.

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I say good riddance, BIONICLE stopped being what it was originally yeeears and years ago.

It's odd that you would say that, seeing as it has only been a far more detailed version of what it originally was this entire time.

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