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In Regards To The New Toa Element



Eeeeeee! 8DDDDDD


Don't know what I'm talking about? Psionics has just been canonized by the Greg-man as a Toa element. Even better--it is, officially, a female element.


THIS CALLS FOR A FAN-CHARACTER. *brain whirrs into gear*


Expect an art of said fan-character at some time in the future.:3 I haven't been this excited about Bionicle-related stuff since...gee, I dunno. Since that clip of the Mata Nui robot rising out of the ocean came out, probably. That animation was epicly epic. But I haven't jumped around in glee like this for a loong time. Ho hurr.<3


Oh, and happy December, everyone!




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I was getting quite frustrating with Bionicle and getting the feeling that they dun like females or something--but now I'm quite happy. I just wish this element played a role earlier in the story.



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Ooooo...shiny. *_*


Maybe that they're focused on the storyline they'll have more female elements. Not that I've ever cared about the canon anyway. :P


But it is still awesome. Greg deserves a hug.

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psi powers that really doesn't fit in my book i mean earlier in the series it was all nature elements and how does psi power really fit into a "nature" element dont get me wrong that power would be awesome but it just doesn't fit to me

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psi powers that really doesn't fit in my book i mean earlier in the series it was all nature elements and how does psi power really fit into a "nature" element dont get me wrong that power would be awesome but it just doesn't fit to me

On a scientific standpoint, 'nature' is not just things like water, air, and so forth. It's much more complicated like that. Not to mention the Matoran Universe has been slipping to more of a si-fi feel, so it's expected.


...says the girl who knows nothing about Science so ignore me.

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Its definitely cool to see another female element, but its an interesting choice due to the fact that we've already had masks of telekinesis and illusion. But I suppose this is in a more general sense. All the same, tis pretty awesome.

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