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Taka Nuvia


I just watched Twilight (the first movie, not 'New Moon')


I loved it!!! <3


Nah, just kidding. I did not love it. I did not hate it either. It was kinda so-so.



Jacob looked nice

James was cute

Bella and Edward did not... eh... well, "kiss their way through the movie"



The colours. About 80% of the film were so blue/greenish, and then these out-standing red lips...

Edward is meh.

The story is not complex. Might be the film's fault, I did not read the book... but overall it got pretty boring after a few minutes.

The Cullens are so boooooring. I'd expect vampires to be a bit more... stereotypical, I admit.

They killed James.


What else:

The 'normal' people who appeared were okay.

Kirk is better than Edward. (Off topic, I know)


Overall opinion:


I honestly do not see what so many girls find awesome about the movie. It's also more a love story than a real vampire film.

I don't see why some people hate it that much, either.

Watching this film together with my siblings was actually quite amusing... I think we talked all the time, commenting on 'how weird they're acting' etc.

But I expected more of it.


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It's also more a love story than a real vampire film.

Answered your own question right there. That is why so many girls like it.




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I believe one reason most people hate it is that popularity reeeeaaaally makes things get really REALLY sickening/annoying.

I hate it 'cause of how obsessed eevryone I know is about it. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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You mean how someone dumped some glitter on him... ? :P



Also, I feel sorry for Bella's friends and her mom and dad. She's really rather a JURKbypasswordfilter to them.


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You really should read the books, to get a better understanding... But then you'll end up like me, seeing the movies first, reading the books later, then point out ever flar the movie had, where it was ether, not in the movie while in the book or, defrent in the pages, then the screen.


But thats just me XD

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I believe one reason most people hate it is that popularity reeeeaaaally makes things get really REALLY sickening/annoying.

I hate it 'cause of how obsessed eevryone I know is about it. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

Took the words right out of my mouth!!! You seem to do that a lot! :P

Yeah I would like to see the movies somethime but i'm in no hurry to see them.

I don't get why all the girls this Edward is SOOOO cute. I've seen better. :P


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:kaukau:The lead actors are not bad in other roles. What got me was the acting of the background actors. I swear, my eyes bled when Bella was making new friends, because the acting seemed so fake and amateurish among her peers. Overdone and all that.


I was watching it on the internet, and after enough of that stuff it was just kind of weird.


As for all the green...I do not like the color green, so that does not help. Plus, the scenery in the forest was kind of mundane. I think they could have come up with something more epic.


The directing style was too weird for me. Too much narrating where narrating was unnecessary.


No comment on the story itself.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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