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Major Success



I have successfully managed to avoid my uncle. All. Weekend.


Locked myself in my room and such. I don't want to sound bad or anything, but I really don't like what he does now.


He likes to invade my room, and sleep on my bed. And he's..um..not very..light. So..I don't want a broken bed.

He likes to steal my glasses. Which is bad, cause I can't see right without them.

He speaks very harshly. And curses. Alot. (Dog bit him once and he went cursing with the F word at him.)

He smokes. (I'm allergic.)

He drinks. (Alot. It's kinda funny watching him and my grandparents fight over that.)


Wost of all, he likes to downgrade me when I make a comic. Downgrade me for not being outside with others. Which makes sense. But there are two people here my age. Me and that backstabber. I will not go around with her, unless she comes over to me. Which happens sometimes. And it's not very fun.


Aside from that, my plan to avoid him worked. Which means, I had a pretty good weekend.


What about ya'll?


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I almost want to post a "Successful Troll" picture, but I can't decide if it'd be for you or your Uncle. :P


Sympathy with you though, I have found myself in similar situations before...

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Ouch, that sounds like somebody that's hard to live with...

Well, I hope that your method works in the future. I couldn't think of being

related to somebody like that.

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Have you ever considered talking to him? Avoidance is not always the answer.


As with me, I am getting along better with my cousins. I get along great with my mom's side, but my dad's side isn't that great. (They have too much money and act like *word blocked by filter for some dumb reason* sometimes.) I gotten along with one of them because he has matured more and has gotten more friendlier toward me. The other one is okay, but she is annoying and complains about everything.



- The Bohrok Lord

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