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Black Six


So last night I finished World War Z. It was a great story, much more about people than it was about zombies. I'd consider it fairly mature though, so don't give it a read if you can't handle violence and other graphic content. If that sounds like something you're ok with though, by all means check it out - it was very gripping and emotional.


The issue now is what should I read next. I have a whole bunch of books queued up that I want to read or reread, but there's no real priority assigned to any of them. Here's the top three:

  • The Once and Future King, T.H. White - I've read The Sword in the Stone, but never the rest of the books in the series. Who can resist knights and wizards?
  • Different Seasons, Stephen King - The reason for picking this up is that it contains Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, the story that inspired the movie. I'm sorry to say I've yet to read it. Also included are three other novellas from King's earlier days before he became the horror master he's now known as.
  • Player Piano, Kurt Vonnegut - I read this years ago in high school and recently picked up a copy because I remember it so fondly. It was actually Vonnegut's first novel, before all the others he's better known for. It's a really interesting read, especially if you're an engineer. :P

So, here's where you guys come in. Which of these should I read next? Post your pick and thoughts in the comments. Feel free to share your own recommendations too!


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If you already have Player Piano, then that's the easiest to pick up, but The Once and Future King also sounds good.

I already own all three of them, so it's not a matter of if I get them, more just the order I read them in.

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I've read the Once and Future King and skimmed through Player Piano. If Arthurian legend and the medieval fantasy genre interest you, I'd recommend OaFK, it was a fairly good read.

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I've never read any of these, although they're all by authors I'm familiar with. I'd recommend Player Piano, just because I like Kurt Vonnegut's stuff. :P


Outside of these, I'd also recommend the Ranger's Apprentice series--not many people seem to have read it or heard of it, but despite this I'd place it up with other adventure/fantasy stories like Narnia and Harry Potter as far as how much I like it. Any of the books in the series are a fairly good read.

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Hmmm My friend was talking about World War Z the other day. I guess I should read it.


And Kurt Vonnegut is good, haven't read anything by the other authors though. =/

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The Once and Future King is quite good if you're a fan of the Arthurian legend. It definitely takes a unique spin on the mythos - not as radical as Mary Stewart's though - and I found it all very fun. I read it, uh, I think when I was eleven? Wow, that was almost a decade ago...


I'm not big on Stephen King; his run-on-sentences are a bit much for me. But Vonnegut is pure rock'n'roll.

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Well, since you already read Player Piano back in High School, I'd say try out something you've yet to read -- like, The Once and Future King -- As this sounds most interesting, IMO.


I remember seeing WWZ at Borders, almost picked it up, if it weren't for the fact that they only had it in hardcover, and I'm not planning on shelling out $25 for a book (And all the nearby libraries lack it... sadly). At least now I heard someone say something about it, now I'm more compelled to go check it out. ^_^

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I haven't read any of these but I think the The Once and Future King sounds like ot would be my choice.



Oh, and If you like knights and wizards (Along with a medieval task force like the S.A.S), then Ranger's Apprentice is just for you.

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With the exception of the Star Wars and BIONICLE books, I only read classics.


And the only knights and wizard book I go for is A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

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T.H. White is a good writer, but he tends to drag things on for too long. And I've found that his stories are often quite predictable.


Read Player Piano.

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The only one of those I've read myself is Different Seasons, and that was a long time ago. Like most of King's work, I enjoyed it.

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