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Sdrawkcab Ratava



This is an entry about the new Avatar movie... I just wanted to make the title more original. :P


Anyway, excelent movie. Great effects, good story, nice action sequences, ext. I heard some complaints about the movie, but I didn't feel that the characters were bland, the action boring, or the people too blue. (Wait...) I would compare it to Fern Gully, especially some of the glow in the dark sequences, but it was far more mature. And the flying bits were AWESOME!


One thing that bugged me; I saw it in 3D but I didn't feel like it was extra special. Yeah, every once in a while I could see the characters pop out from the background a bit, and ferns and leaves floated by in front of the actors. But in the great flying scenes, I just didn't feel the 3D was what made it great. But everybody else I've talked to loved the 3D, so maybe it was just something that was wrong with me. (Noted, I was sitting in the far front corner, so I was in one of the worst spots in the theater. Oh well)


I'd recomend seeing it, and then building Lego versions of all the army mechs used. :sly:




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I really liked the 3D-ness. As opposed to other movies, where I feel it's just showing two pieces of paper, one at a distance behind the other, this really gave depth and really showed you a world as opposed to seeing it on screen.


However, while something like an entire tail was on screen, it was popping out, as soon as one bit of it went off screen the effect was lost.



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I've heard some mixed reviews for it. Most said it was a story well-trod before, with cardboard dialogue and limited characterisation. But some of those said, "But on the other hand, WOW!" and thought the special effects made up for it

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I've heard some mixed reviews for it. Most said it was a story well-trod before, with cardboard dialogue and limited characterisation. But some of those said, "But on the other hand, WOW!" and thought the special effects made up for it

The effects and the CGI setting probably steal the show as for WOW factor, but the story itself is amazing and the dialogue is fine. It's amazing in all aspects.



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