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Look! It's The White Stuff From The Sky!



We finally got snow! Ohio finally got snow!




...Ok, so maybe only a centimeter stayed on the ground, and it melted by mid-afternoon... That's all Indiana's fault, by the way. They stole all the lovely snow last week, and we only got rain, and *grumblegrumble*


But still! Ohio FINALLY got SNOW!








Working on a Photo Studio thing. I must admit, background are much easier to make if you have a good photo-editing program, but I still wish I had a tablet. Drawing jungle vegetation with a mouse takes really, really long. >.<


So...Yay for snow?




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*Sigh* Same happened here in Massachusetts on Monday... The snow was so pwetty... Only a centimeter, and then it melted. Ragh.
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Here's some background advice: Check out this lovely artwork. The artist's name escapes me, *cough*me*cough* but I heard that he made his by Googleing for New Zealand scenery, which demonstrates the widespread variety of environments on Mata Nui, and found two pics. He used a program, which is coincidentally the same photo-editing program you have, and edited the people out of a beach picture, then pasted in a cliff picture he had found and edited. He found the clone tool particularly useful for covering up any unwanted people or scenery, or for painting in identical textures to ones already on the drawing, including sand and sky. When he was finished, this [shamelessego]artistic genius[/shamelessego] edited it using one of the fine art functions in the dropdown effects menu to make the background relatively similar to the style of the artwork. This artist is said to be a major fan of your artwork, and I am certain that he would be completely willing to give you advice, assuming that he hasn't already.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir, Rachira of Time

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Those of us in southern New Jersey haven't had a white Christmas in years. And I dunno about you guys, but I'm not at all sad. I don't like snow. I hate being cold, I hate being wet, but I really hate being both at the same time. :P
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*Sigh* We haven't had snow where I live for at least five years.

You too? Almost 6 years without snow....I hope we get some this year.


I want a tablet too. Guess I could start saving for that.

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...Ok, so maybe only a centimeter stayed on the ground, and it melted by mid-afternoon... That's all Indiana's fault, by the way. T

And us! We snuck down to your state in the middle of the night and stole your snow!!! Ahahahaha!




And we still have our snow, too. :P





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In the I-10 corridor, snow is one flurry every 10-12 years.


I don't want to hear it from either of you two. :P





I'm sorry. It's just that after living in Northern Minnesota for 10 years. where it snows for 7 months straight, moving to Southern California for 4, where it only snows rain, and then moving to Ohio, where the weather is so bizzare you never know what'll happen, a person would kinda look forward to snow.


I guess.


...Ok, so maybe only a centimeter stayed on the ground, and it melted by mid-afternoon... That's all Indiana's fault, by the way. T

And us! We snuck down to your state in the middle of the night and stole your snow!!! Ahahahaha!




And we still have our snow, too. :P







Ha! We got it before you :P . We got snow in Michigan back on Monday. Glad you got it though.


- :t::l::h:


Agh! Give it back! I want pillowy cold fluff. ;_;



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And here slightly to the north of you, we've been having snow since oh, October. SO NO COMPLAINING ANY OF YOU.

Unless you live in way-up-north Canada, or Greenland or Russia or something. Then you have a right. If you live in Siberia. Indeed.


Nothing in the world beats talking about the weather with internet!

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Anomaly of anomalies: way-up-north southern Finland is still snowless. I'm not complaining; it's just like being back home in Vancouver. Except Vancouver has been hit with unprecedented massive rainstorms and deep frosts this fall, so it's actually better than being there. Incidentally, Toronto of winter infamy has been suffering a strangely warm autumn of 18 degrees Celsius... El Niño or global warming? Why not both!



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