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Ew Speaks! On Powerful R P G Characters



Theory: Makuta in the BZPRPG are overrated, a simple tool for the unskilled RPing newbie to suddenly have an uber-powerful character with minimal imagination used on the character profile.




Name: Terrymax

Gender: Male

Species: Makuta

Alignment: Evil

Appearance: A makuta

Faction: Himself

Weapon: A sword

Powers: Makuta powers

Biography: A makuta who goes around killing people and making chaos


Hey, dude, guess what! That's sooo cool!! You have a Makuta! So what! He's just a Makuta, just an overrated piece of gas in a carapace, just an overpowered and did I mention unoriginal character. And you think you're so kicktooshie with your Makuta, eh? Think again. Doesn't take much to teach you that your Makuta < my Ussal, if I use my crab well enough.


I have nothing against having powerful characters, but it's when there's nothing special about it, nothing that sets it apart from the rest, nothing that makes your Makuta your Makuta, it makes me wanna slap ya.


I have a Makuta character. Am I a hypocrite? Anything but. My Makuta is very much an original being, and... Well, take a look for yourself:


Name: Caedast (or just Caed/Cade)

Species: Female Makuta

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: Being a shapeshifter, she can take up many forms. Her "default" form, however, is deceivingly attractive. She is slender and tall and has a pair of wings on her back that can become completely hidden when retracted. The armor she wears is fluid and aerodynamic, flowing, and her fingers are thin and pointed, painted with blood red tips. Her body is burnt orange with silver armor pieces. Her Kanohi changes shape as she transforms, though she usually makes it resemble a streamlined Jutlin without the ugly cheeks and mouth.

Faction: Bad Company

Weapons: Generally doesn't make use of weapons, since she has enough power to destroy her enemies without one. However, she does carry a set of daggers in slots in her armor which she can use for anything you can imagine a dagger to be useful for.

Mask: Kanohi Gantras, Mask of Power Inhibition. It can target a single power of the target and render it completely ineffective for a limited amount of time. However, it can not negate elemental powers.

Powers: Full Makuta powers and Kanohi.

Biography: Caedast is unique in that she never did evolve past needing a physical body, and as a result, still needs to rest and air. Thankfully, however, she knows how to use her adaptation powers to great effect to overcome these issues, though is not exempt from them. She is regarded as a warrior and an assassin, and does her job very well. She has no loyalties save for herself and delivering pain and destruction, and spends a lot of time hunting the hunters-- bounty hunters, mercenaries and others. While she respects toa for their duty and loyalty, she has absolutely no qualms with tearing them apart.

Lately, however, he has shown some degree of heart and benevolence. How deeply this will affect her in the future, however, is subject to debate.

She lacks a decent backstory because she killed the last person who tried to make a biography of her.


What's special about this character? She 1. Is a girl, 2. Isn't made of antidermis, 3. Has a custom mask power, 4. Has a detailed appearance, 5. Has a nice personality summary, 6. Has some character development, and 7. Features a witty phrase at the end. And she has a mature person playing as her. I use my Makuta carefully, and I know she has limits. Not to mention I'm known for detailed and canonical playing. As such, she, the Makuta, was called one of the best Makuta created, which made me very pleased.


And this doesn't just apply to Makuta. Not in the least. Everybody should learn three things:


1. Make a unique character and spend some time on it. Make it detailed and make it unique.

2. Make sure your character has limits. I have no qualms with an uber-powerful character. I have a friggin reality warper character that could probably kick Haruhi's butt in a fight, but I make sure even she has her limits.


3. Pay attention to detail all over. Don't go over the top, listen to your RPing comrades, and if you have doubts about something, don't do it.


I guess all three of these could be summed into one single, Golden Rule of RPing, one which we should all know, or at least know references to. Heck, we're on a site devoted to the stuff. Lego. Leg Godt. Play well.


The Golden Rule of Role Playing is simply and eloquently put: Play Well.


Follow that rule, and your gaming experience, as well as mine and everyone else's, will be a thousand times more enjoyable.




Thanks for listening to this 3-AM rant. xD




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I agree with you on the Makuta thing. I'm seeing way to many Makuta who are just bland evil guys.


Oh yes, Caedast is probably one of the most fleshed out Makuta I've seen (lol). Ace's Makuta, Malaris, is also pretty good.


I'm interested in what you think about my Makuta though:


Name: Heltenor

Species: Makuta

Gender: Male

Appearance: The form Heltenor usually takes could be described as a green giant. He wears a mask of clairvoyance, shaped like a green Kakama. His eyes are dark red and he is tall as Brutaka. He has a long green tail that falls down to his feet. All of this contradicts his cheery personality.

Mask: Mask of Clairvoyance, shaped like a green Kakama.


+All 42 Makuta powers. He mainly uses sound, but will use any of the other powers every now and then.

+Mask of Clairvoyance which has the usual powers and limits. He found a new way to see a person’s future though. By singing, he can get hazy details about a person’s future. He mainly uses this power to set a person on their right path.

Personality: Heletenor was never one for fighting despite his impressive powers. He loves peace and always tries to stop fights. Heletenor believes in staying neutral though. He doesn’t pick sides, because Heletenor is wise. He is always in a cheery mood though, never letting something get him down. This makes Heletenor a joy to be around with, although his constantly joyous attitude can annoy people sometimes.

He also loves to sing. He really loves it.

Biography: Heletenor was an outcast in the Brotherhood. He didn’t think the Makuta should rule them, he thought they should love them. He also didn’t believe in violence and tried to control it. He also loved to sing and Makuta don’t sing. Ever. When he saw what the Brotherhood was becoming, he left. He wasn’t exiled; he simply left on his own will. The Brotherhood didn’t hunt him down, it would be a waste of resources since Heletenor wasn’t really a high-ranking Makuta. He wandered across the universe, singing various songs along the way. He managed to stay away from the Santun and on Locus-Abeo he avoided the random evil groups that seemed to pop up every weekend.


He has all of the standard Makuta powers, but I gave him a personality. His Kanohi is also used in a creative way.


Thanks for the advice though!

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I agree with you on the Makuta thing. I'm seeing way to many Makuta who are just bland evil guys.


Oh yes, Caedast is probably one of the most fleshed out Makuta I've seen (lol). Ace's Makuta, Malaris, is also pretty good.


I'm interested in what you think about my Makuta though:




He has all of the standard Makuta powers, but I gave him a personality. His Kanohi is also used in a creative way.


Thanks for the advice though!

Like you said, he's pretty standard, except for the personality. I dunno what to think, since the overriding thought is: Makuta hippie.





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Am I the only person who prefers playing really underpowered characters who've got more to them than that? Man, every time I'm in fight scenes, my characters always get so beat up that it goes the other way and looks silly that they survived . . .


I can't really think of a Makuta character I'd be interested in playing. Okay, maybe Teridax back when he was just another dude fighting the League of Six Kingdoms or something like that . . .

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:kaukau:The way I've always seen it is that a character is only worth role-playing if they're intriguing and can be developed and if they're fun. One of the main things I want to accomplish in an RPG is to write for some of the most interesting characters. If a story becomes captivating and if a character gets the feel of being "classic", then according to my definition my RPGing is successful.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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THIS battle (starts at that post, continues for a few pages - focus on the Captain's posts with the Makuta (Koh, GorThorn, Sharrow, Thumina - any of those) and mine, which should be in green bold font. I was just walking down memory lane the other day, reading this, so it's funny that you make this blog post now. :P


The set up is that Koh is a good guy Makuta, who has killed two other Makuta and absorbed their essence, becoming three times as powerful. Meanwhile, GorThorn is a power-mad BoM general who wields the Treasures of Onua Nuva (Symbol, Pakari Nuva and Quake Breakers, all shapeshifted into his armor), giving him power over earth as well as making him, well, three times more powerful, at least physically. Sharrow is an honorable Makuta, Thumina is a female Makuta weapon-crafter, and both of them are getting betrayed by GorThorn in his attempt to become supreme ruler of the BoM.


Caedast seems very interesting. I like 'er.

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I think this is the first year I have used a Makuta for a main character, and I haven't even used him to fight anyone aside from killing a few CPUs that were no one's. I have a little plot going on with three of my characters, and hopefully it will take off this upcoming year, but I have to start the engines first.


Name: Xarkhan

Gender: Male

Species: Makuta (not known if mixed with other beings)

Apperance: Picture.

Faction: None

Mask: None

Weapons: Claws, teeth, expandable back appendages (able to grow in length but not size or strength).

Abilities: Mostly the same as normal for Makuta, except he can combine two to four powers at the same time, although it takes him a few moments to switch to different powers. He also is master of teleportation, able to rearrange parts for his experiments. After discovering an interesting prospect with several DOOM Spheres, he has realized that he can now sepparate his Antidermis and have a certain amount of his substance enter into several spiritless bodies, however he can only control a few at a time. He is a master at combining different powers, although he has not been able to do certain combinations. He possesses a glass vile of Hordika venom that is located in his chest cavaty.

Personality: An experimentor and a creater of nightmares, Xarkhan understands that it is sometimes wrong for him to experiment on others, depending on the circumstance. His voice is like a multitude crying out in all variations of emotions and pitches, seeming to have their voices heard through his whole body. Faint screams of anguish and terror can be heard when others are near him. He is unpredictable in his actions and does what he desires.


I don't think that anyone else has a Makuta like mine, but that's not for me to decide. :P

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