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What Would You Prefer...

Lady Kopaka


I have a question for everyone, concerning upcoming projects I’m doing. (don't feel obliged to do this; this can just be for people interested in my projects)

  1. A comic series involving original Bionicle characters (focusing on Dark Hunters most likely), in a somewhat altered HB world?
  2. A large-scale fantasy epic? (inspired by Princess Mononoke and Treasure Planet)
  3. A comic or epic (sequal/prequel/midqual; undecided) for Glitch in the System?
  4. Or maybe you guys would just like something else, or me to start commissions again?
I just realized my head is exploding with ideas and I can’t really decide what to jump to first. I can’t juggle them all at once, but it doesn’t mean if you choose one, you may never see the other. So yes, what would you guys like?


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Two, I think. Though I've never seen either of those two movies you've mentioned, the idea still sounds the most interesting IMO.



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Large-scale fantasy. DO IT. Because I've seen both Treasure Planet AND Princess Mononoke, and your similar Bionicle version would be epic win (pun intended.)



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Here's what I think:


1. It sounds to me like you've been leaning towards doing this for a while, so I think if your mind is in it enough, definitely move forward with it. It might be an interesting idea to portray Bionicle characters as simply being human for a change.


2. This one seems to sound like it's the most popular so far, and it does seem like a good idea, but I'd be careful about getting lost in the actual expanse of the world you create. Take extreme care about not getting too convoluted with it, so that readers won't find it hard to come to grips with the story. (like me :lookaround:)


3. I think that this idea will be the best received by the forum in general. Anyone who read the first epic will probably end up reading the sequel, so this is the route to go for the most feedback, I'd say.


4. If you were to start up comissions again, I'd be willing to buy one this time. :P


Anyway, whichever one you pick, I'm certain it'll come out even better than most people expect. I'd say go with the one you think will be the easiest to handle amidst life stuff, so that way your project has the least chance of being put on hold. All in all, looking forward to what you'll come out with next. ^_^

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I'll go with the comics on Bionicle characters (similar to the Transformers 'Spotlight' comics), that or the fantasy epic. I wonder why everyone here is hatin' the comic idea really. I've got another idea: you could try doing a comic series on a favored fan epic (which is would be voted on, not just requested).



-Toa Deserok
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Yes--I would like to know, why is everyone more interested in the epic than a comic? I'm between ideas, though I'm somewhat surprised more people would be interested in reading a long story, rather than some colourful comic pages; though I'm not implying that in a negative sense, but I am curious.

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Well, a comic would be easier to follow and probably more interesting, but the depth you can go into with text in the same amount of time is greater than drawing the same scene.

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Do an epic.




Because I'm working on a comic.


And if you make a comic then I will never be able to live up to it and will drown in a puddle of self-pity.

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Yes--I would like to know, why is everyone more interested in the epic than a comic? I'm between ideas, though I'm somewhat surprised more people would be interested in reading a long story, rather than some colourful comic pages; though I'm not implying that in a negative sense, but I am curious.


Meh, I've just never really been a fan of comics. :/ Besides, I need a good 'book' to read, and I like reading 'books' more than comics. =P


Dunno, I just like Epics better, that's all.


I wouldn't mind a comic, but I'd prefer an epic, that's all.


It would be awesome if you did comissions again, and once I put together a character more in-depthly, it'd be awesome to have him drawn, so I'd definitely pay for one.



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Yeah. Commissions can get you money...but only if others are willing to to it. That's why I'm looking for a job, because payments are just too random until I can get into some more professional circles.


The reasons I stopped commissions because it was too much work, but since I am going into that business later, I probably need practice--I'd be willing to do a few here and there. If any of you guys would like a commission, go ahead and contact me.


I'm just somewhat surprised, but happy, people would rather read than view an image--per say. But doing an epic would work out considering other things. No definite decision yet, but I'll announce the project on 1/10/10.

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Personally, I like the GitS idea better, but that's just 'cause I love that story. The Bionicle idea sounds good, I'm just not a fan of Dark Hunters. But whatever, I'll probably read whatever it is. =P



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The comic doesn't have to involve Dark Hunters...I just shot that out to give more of a implication of what I could jump to; I already had an idea to run with it. Of course there are plenty of other groups to do with that as well--I was also interested in Bara Magna stuff as well.


One reason why I am somewhat leery about the Glitch sequel or such is simply because I don't want to overdue it. With a audiobook, and a few short stories I'd like to do, the last thing I would want is to get you guys sick of too much Glitch. Then again, I think I underestimate how many people like it/are really into it.

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I would also like to mention as an idea would be something with bonesiii's and Swert's Expanded Multiverse. That would be very interesting.

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You guys would honestly be interested in commissions? Last time I tried, and it didn't really go anywhere on BZP. I'd really appreciate the support, but it all depends. As I said, if enough people are interested I will repost commission information in the next month or so.

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