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Rpg Fit! 12-30-09 Task!



Welcome one and all to the first ever session of RPG Fit! Today's date is December 30th, 2009



For a while, this program will be split between those who know how to play and those who have no idea how to play an RPG. If you have not signed up, please post here. Now, moving on.


For Those Completely New to RPGs

RPG stands for Role Playing Game. You may have heard of several kinds of RPGs, but the kind we play on BZP is called a Text Based RPG or TBRPG. A TBRPG is like a playable story. The Game Master (GM) creates a setting and a basic storyline that becomes the structure of the game, and the players write out the actions of their characters. These games can get huge and epic if run well.


You as the player, are assigned to create a character. You must fill out a form that is present somewhere in every RPG and submit it to the GM and his staff for approval. Your characters should be detailed and 3 dimensional entities. Try and make them as real as possible (which also means never going overboard in things like powers or abilities, and whatnot).


When posting, you will use the header IC: (In Character) to designate which parts of your post detail your character's interactions with the game world. You will also use the header OOC: (Out of Character) to talk to the other players outside the game.


Now that you know the very basics of how to create a character and play an RPG, you are assigned to go out and actually join a game. I suggest games like Requiem, The Bridge, or A Midnight's Requiem, because they have just started and will be much easier for you to jump into. Once you have created this character and gotten it approved, you must play that game consistently for one week.


That is your task.


For Veteran RPers

Herein you will be assigned much harder tasks. We'll start out a little easier, but let me tell you that things will get absolutely insane by the time we're done. Are you all ready? Good.


12-30-09: RP without using any special abilities or powers, with at least one character, for at least two days. You must battle and survive utilizing only your wits and strength. I suggest picking a character that relies a lot on special powers to make this harder and more fun for you.


Now, get to it! Post any questions you might have below.


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Every time you say TBRPG, a taco dies.

















I'm ending obesity! Mwahahaha!


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Since the only RPG I play now in which my character has powers is the BZPRPG, it'll have to be Sokar. Not too difficult, though, as right now he's just building an airship.

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