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It's A Marvelous Night For A Moondance....



Tonight for New Year's Eve, there's going to be a blue moon. These only come around every two or three years (when there are two full moons in the same month), but blue moons on New Year's Eve are a bit less common, and the last one was in 1990. Coincidentally, 1990 is my year of birth. Pretty cool!


And that was your random fact of the evening.


It's kind of strange though: when we were ringing in the new millennium, I was just a little ten year old kid, excitedly watching the various New Year's Eve countdowns that were going on around the world. I wasn't worrying about things like college tuition; I was more concerned about how much of the mint chocolate cake I was going to eat that my mom had bought for New Year's, or whether or not all the computers were going to crash like the commercials claimed. Now I'm 19, and it's just, wow. It doesn't seem like that much time went by, but it did.


Even this last year was a whirlwind of so much. So much has happened just for me in school alone. I think if you would have told my ten year old self that in ten years I'd be pole vaulting at a collegiate level and off at some university literally in the middle of nowhere while working to get an art degree, I'd probably would have laughed, or maybe looked at you in a very confused manner. And there's so many people that I've met, especially on BZPower, and it's just, well, cool. Thank you all for being as awesome and unique as you are, and especially for being involved somehow in my life. You're wonderful.


I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I hope you have a safe, happy, and prosperous new year, wherever you are and whomever you may be.


So everybody put your best suit or dress on

Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once

Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn

As thirty dialogs bleed into one....


So this is the new year.


(an 217 days until BrickFair!)


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Nah, I'm pretty sure blue moons are more common than once every few years.

Last I checked.


But yay new years and revelations and BrickFair in 217 days!




Wellllll, I may or may not have verified that fact on wikipedia, so no guarantees as to the correctness of it....



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Guess we share that blue moon fact then (Me=born in 1990 as well)


Allthough, Sylvester usually comes down to one thing for me: How mana friecrackers can I blow up in one night ^^


Happy New Year!

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