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Reflecting 2009



Well, folks, it's the New Year and I might as well post this during spare time. WHINERWHINERWHINERALERT


2009 has been an absolutely horrible year for me when it came to BZP. Why? Let's see-


I have been absolutely lazy. For those of you who still have ANY enthusiasm to follow more boring, rushed blog, you'll notice that I still HAVEN'T put up the new decorations or that published contest I promised so long ago. Heck, I haven't even changed my (Neaku's) avatar and sig yet. Also noticeable is my complete lack of serious MOCs (cept Dust Cloud). I could use my busier life as an excuse, but I hate using life as an excuse.


Really guys, the only thing I've done this year is look out for updates on BZP and other sites, and sometimes make quick'n dirty comments and unbaked blog entries about some of the few things that interest me. I haven't got the time to do anything major, or spread my name throughout the forums. My popularity as a BZP member and MOCist has definitely decreased, and so has my love for BZP. Like I said, updates only. I still love Bionicle and MOCing, but there are practically no signs of it anymore on BZP.


That said, I can't make any promises this year. But I WILL try to be more active than 09. I've got two decently serious WIPs lying around, I've got a nice concept for a contest (not MOC), and maybe a theme for myself. I'll try to "update" my blog and my profile/av/sig, and try to be more well-known again. Remember, no promises.


All this may just be because of the winter depression that usually comes for me annually, but oh well?


One last thing-


Neo Shifters are awesome, and I truly feel sorry for you if you consider Bionicle sets much better than they are. I like my Neo Shifters more than any Bionicle cansiter set I've EVER bought, even with Toa Iruini and Mata Nui standing next to the Shifters. Their plastic isn't low quality, and they are more durable and strong than the canister sets too (one of them is lifting Mata Nui in mid-air by the neck with ONE hand, no bottom support or any support at all). No promises, but a review might be posted.


Gotta go now- spare time up, have to do chores.


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Good to hear from you. I really want to see some new MOCs. Once, I was thinking of buy a NeoShifter, but then I came back to my senses. :P I don't hate NS, I just hate MegaBloks.









...Maybe one day...
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Same here on the MOC thing. But I have like 4 finished now. Two of them are my best ever IMO. I plan to post one on Sunday or Monday. All depends on how the weather is.


But, yeah, you need to blog more. Always fun to here from a fellow MOCer and friend. :)



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Haha I guess you could call that avatar mine, its really just that I resized it but whatever.


I really need to MOC more too. ;_;

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