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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 196-203



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The one-hundred-ninety-sixth article proposed by Kohila & Iro is as follows:

Kohila & Iro hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a fifth tier of Kanohi Power Level known as "Amplified". This classification is created during a process in which a Great Kanohi is embedded with Gether shards, thus amplifying the mask's innate abilities such that the Kanohi is on a power level above Great, but still below Legendary. Gethers are unique to the Isle of Ouir Nui within the Matoran Universe and are therefore extremely rare, thus the existence of Amplified Kanohi is subsequently very limited.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The one-hundred-ninety-seventh article proposed by Makar is as follows:

Makar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "dezin" (DEH-zinn) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "dreaded place".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The one-hundred-ninety-eighth article proposed by Makar is as follows:

Makar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "zelix" (ZEHL-icks) shall henceforth be considered an adjective in the Matoran language meaning "isolated".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The one-hundred-ninety-ninth article proposed by Erebus Nuva is as follows:

Erebus Nuva hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an oath that is uttered as part of an ancient Toa tradition that is often performed when a Toa Kaita is formed. As the Toa cross their weapons they recite the following:

By the honor of our fallen Brethren,

And by that of the Great Spirit Mata Nui,

We hereby Unite to protect those in need,

To better uphold our sworn Duty,

And to ultimately fulfill our Destiny."

Furthermore, this oath is sometimes used to boost Toa morale during protracted confilict, as well as to help a novice and inexperienced Toa to better understand the role they have been given.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundredth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an unstable, and largely untested energy source derived from a combination of Energized Protodermis, the essence of the eyebeams of "The Shadowed One", and Hordika Venom. Unnamed, yet mass-produced for use in the Dark Hunters/Brotherhood of Makuta War, the substance is commonly referred to as "Dark Hunter Mutagen" or "DHM".


The test subjects are typically Matoran taken by Dark Hunters and experimented on either of their own free will in exchange for inclusion in the ranks of the Dark Hunters in the event that the final results are positive, or as unwilling prisoners until the effects are analyzed and recorded.


The mutagenic properties are intended to create a form of super soldier. This includes tentacled appendages sprouting from the subject's back that are under complete control of the being. Further mutation often occurs upon the instance that the subject comes into contact with a specific stimulant, such as a Ga-Matoran being immersed in Water. The mutations usually are full body, and remove any traces of the original species, changing them into nothing more than sapient beasts.


Results have been largely hit or miss, with actual positive outcomes being incredibly non-existent. In truth, the only true success was that of a Ga-Matoran from the Isle of Doppel Nui, who was slain by the island's fugitive Toa before the results could be fully assessed by the Dark Hunters.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-first article proposed by Makar is as follows:

Makar hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist "Gukko Messengers". These technological devices, developed by the Brotherhood of Makuta, are robotic avian capable of recording and delivering a specific message assigned by the sender to a specific recipient located practically anywhere in the known Matoran Universe.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-second article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a curio known as the "Tridax's Medallion" (TRIGH-dacks muh-DAL-yuhn). Not much is known about the medallion, other than it was created by Makuta Tridax soon after the formation of the Southern Islets, and was forged from an unstable form of Kanoha that was also used in the creation of Makuta Xarax's Kanohi. The Medallion is golden, and the power is housed within a glowing red gem. The Medallion has the ability to create Dimensional Gates at the command of the user, therefore allowing them to access alternate universes, pocket dimensions, and other such places. The Medallion's power can be accessed by the wearer shouting out a command as to where they want to be transported, however it will not accept specific names. For instance, a legitimate command would be "Take me to a place without Light.", as opposed to the illegitimate command, "Take me to the Zone of Shadows." or the like.


The medallion fell out of Tridax's possession when it was stolen by Xarax shortly before the third "Toa Experimentation".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-third article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a game known as "Uuk-Koi" (OOH-k-KOY), which is similar to chess, although banned in almost every Dome. Although some islands may have sparse regions where it is legal, the game is most notably legal on the Isle of Stelt.


Played by two beings on a large board with various grids overlaying it, one being controls black, rectangular tiles, while the other being controls similar tiles in white. To begin, each player places their right hand as a closed fist, with the left hand over top of it, open palmed, facing down onto their own fist.

The Uuk-Koi tiles are forged from Kanoka intended to become Noble Kanohi Matatu and thus the game is completely mental in nature. The first player, decided upon prior to the game's start, uses their mind to move their first tile, flipping it onto another tile of the opposite color, or onto any open space as the game progresses. The tiles then both stand up on their long sides and overflow with energy, at which point both players exert mental pressure, fighting against the other using the stone tiles as a focal point for their minds. They continue to battle with their minds, wearing one another down, until one player, the winner as it were, overcomes the other by overpowering their opponent's mind. The loser's stone will then fly up and shatter, sending a ripple of pain through their body and mind. Every loss will weaken the loser's mind, yet even a victory will, in some ways, weaken the mind from the force exerted during each prior battle.


A Toa, or any other sapient species capable of utilizing Kanohi, will often be a better player because they have a higher mental fortitude than the typical non-Kanohi-using player or a player whose species renders them incapable of utilizing masks of power at certain times, like Matoran. The more familiar a player is with exercising the limitations of their mind, the more effective player they are.


A game of Uuk-Koi ends when every last one of a single player's tiles have been destroyed. The winner is often rendered unconscious at best, meanwhile the loser will most likely die unless they have a higher mental fortitude than any ordinary being. For instance, the Matoran Linke survives a loss simply because he's used to coping with the stresses of being dual-minded alongside Recht while using a Duos Stone. Typically the winner will, as previously noted, be knocked unconscious, or as often happens, become brain damaged. At times winners have even been driven insane by their victory and, on some occasions, their triumphant play has still resulted results in their death.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 2000 PDT (8:00 PM in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, January 25th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Articles 196, 197, & 198 has all passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", also

Article 199 has passed with a total of "FIFTEEN AYE VOTES TO FIVE NAY VOTES", next

Article 200 has passed with a total of "EIGHTEEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", plus

Article 201 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", furthermore

Article 202 has passed with a total of "NINETEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", meanwhile

Articles 203 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Here's how I vote for this one.


Article 196: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).

Article 197: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).

Article 198: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).

Article 199: Nay. It seems really corny and unnecessary. Really, if Toa form a Kaita, it's because they are in some dire situation to necessitate it and thus would not likely have enough time to chant some random oath. Besides, Erebus can still have his Toa say those lines without making it official for all Toa.

Article 200: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).

Article 201: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).

Article 202: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).

Article 203: Aye, because the article sounds well-thought out and necessary for the author(s) epic(s).



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196- AYE. As long as that 'limited' is kept there, at least.

197- AYE. New Matoran words are fine.

198- AYE.

199- NAY. I don't think a Dark Hunter would play nice and let a group of Toa chant a thirty-second chant when he can kill them.

200- AYE. A new weapon, that none are all too-sure of.

201- AYE. Please keep in mind that this would take a while for a Metru-Matoran to talk with a MAtoran in the Southern Isles.

202- AYE. However, I must point out that there was another dimension of no light, where the beings of shadow that inhabit it feast upon the substance. So it may have to be tweaked a bit.

203- AYE. Illegal games... fun.

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196-Aye, sounds good, especially since it's rare. Powerful, but rare. Good balance of power.

197-Aye, no problems.

198-Aye, again, no problems.

199-Aye, I like it. It's a good incantation, and a good way to more or less tell what the Kaita is for.

200-Aye, it's mine.

201-Aye, a good way to get messages around, I like it.

202-Aye, I like the idea behind it, especially the wording issues.

203-Aye, it's mine.


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196: Aye. As long as one or two of my characters can end up with one, I'm fine with Kohila's parts of it.


197: Aye. No problems with new words.


198: Aye. Same as above.


199: Aye. Sounds fine to me.


200: Aye.


201: Aye. It's a creative idea; I like it.


202: Aye.


203: Aye. Creative idea.

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196-Aye but as long as they are kept as rare masks.

197-Aye, no reason to oppose.

198-Aye, no reason to oppose.


200-Nay, To tell the truth I really dont like this idea. Personal opinion. Sorry

201-Aye, a good way to get messages around.

202-Aye, no reason to oppose.

203-Aye, like Choco said. Illegal games...



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196 - Aye, doesn't seem to be a problem.

197 - Aye

198 - Aye

199 - Aye, doesn't seem to be a problem.

200 - Aye, interesting idea.

201 - Aye.

202 - Aye, interesting.

203 - Undecided, it doesn't really effect anything, but is there a reason for this game to be played, besides for sport? Aye.


201- AYE. Please keep in mind that this would take a while for a Metru-Matoran to talk with a MAtoran in the Southern Isles.

This is true.

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Makar-why do people use drugs? Drink? More or less, the thrill of it, I guess. The game is lethal, it's for the thrill of it.

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Article 196: Aye, Seems like an interesting idea

Article 197: Aye, more matoran language is always welcome

Article 198: Aye, as stated above

Article 199: Aye, The reason I thought of this is because Toa really don't have a lot of traditions, this would have mainly been used during the Toa/Dark Hunter War, but some Toa continue to uphold this tradition.

Article 200: Nay, If you can provide how the "essence of the Shadowed One's Eyebeams" were captured then I will consider changing my vote. Aye.

Article 201: Aye, I really like this idea!

Article 202: Interesting, Aye

Article 203: Aye. Always did like Matoran Games.

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Articles 196-198: Aye, no problem with any of these.


Article 199: Aye, but this isn't necessary to form the Kaita, correct? This could be skipped in a situation in which the Kaita desperately needed to be formed quickly?


Article 200: Aye, I like this idea quite a bit.


Article 201: Undecided; it sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure if Matoran technology could create a device like this. If I remember correctly, everything on Metru Nui was just clockwork stuff; recording and playing back sound as well as having some way to recognize when it has reached the person the message was meant for just seems like a bit much for Matoran tech. Aye, on the grounds that these Gukko Messengers are actually Makuta technology.


Article 202: Aye, it's an interesting idea.


Article 203: Aye, though I'm not quite sure why anyone would agree to play it if the stakes are so high.

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Articles 196-198: Aye, no problem with any of these.


Article 199: Aye, but this isn't necessary to form the Kaita, correct? This could be skipped in a situation in which the Kaita desperately needed to be formed quickly?


No it isn't necessary to form a Kaita it is just there as a ritual.

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Article 200: Nay, If you can provide how the "essence of the Shadowed One's Eyebeams" were captured then I will consider changing my vote.


Firing the eyebeams into the otherwise completed mixture. At least, that's how I always pictured it when I wrote the proposal.

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Article 196- Aye. I guess these would be like Nuva masks, only accessable by all. YAY!

Article 197- Aye. Words are nice.

Article 198- Aye.

Article 199- Nay. Impractical in battle, at best, if not stupid.

Article 200- Aye, but only because most experiments fail miserably.

Article 201- Aye.

Article 202- Aye.

Article 203- Aye. Death-by-chess :D




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Article 196: Aye, creative.. I like it.

Article 197: Aye, no reason to argue with it.

Article 198: Aye, again, no reason to argue.

Article 199: Aye, very nice.

Article 200: Aye, sounds fun. Although the shadowed one’s eye beams part is a bit different. In my opinion pit mutagen would work out better.

Article 201: Aye, pretty cool.

Article 202: Nay, seems to intrude upon the Olmaks power.

Article 203: Aye.


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Makar-why do people use drugs? Drink? More or less, the thrill of it, I guess. The game is lethal, it's for the thrill of it.

Good Point Koji. Then 203 - Aye.


Article 201: Undecided; it sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure if Matoran technology could create a device like this. If I remember correctly, everything on Metru Nui was just clockwork stuff; recording and playing back sound as well as having some way to recognize when it has reached the person the message was meant for just seems like a bit much for Matoran tech.

Yes, but it's Makuta technology

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I vote "AYE" on Articles 196-198 as I see no reason to oppose any of them.


Now, I vote "AYE" on Article 199 as well. I like the well thought out verse, and don't believe that it precludes a quick Kaita formation in case of an emergency.


Meanwhile, I also vote "AYE" on Articles 200 & 201, accepting the answers given by Koji and Makar to the other member's various concerns.


Next, I vote "AYE" on Article 202 precisely because it is a creative means to overcome the Olmak's limited availability.


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Article 203 as I see no reason to oppose it.


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Article 201: Undecided; it sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure if Matoran technology could create a device like this. If I remember correctly, everything on Metru Nui was just clockwork stuff; recording and playing back sound as well as having some way to recognize when it has reached the person the message was meant for just seems like a bit much for Matoran tech.

Yes, but it's Makuta technology

I don't see that stated anywhere in the article, but if that's the case, I suppose I will change my vote to Aye.

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Nay, I really dont like the eyebeam-essence thing. It just doesnt sit right with me

Aye, as long as there's a delay in the messages.




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Ok then I will vote Aye for the Eyebeam article


in regards to Article 199: While typing my revised vote I came up with an idea. What if this reciting this Oath was not only used when forming a Kaita (Not during a battle but when they knew a big fight was approaching) But what if it was used to boost the moral of Toa long in war, or to help a new inexperienced Toa better understand the role he/she has been given?

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The one-hundred-ninety-sixth article "AYE"


The one-hundred-ninety-seventh article "AYE"


The one-hundred-ninety-eighth article "AYE"


The one-hundred-ninety-ninth article "AYE"


The two-hundredth "AYE"


The two-hundred-first article "AYE"


The two-hundred-second article "AYE"


The two-hundred-third article "AYE"

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Aye to Article 196. I would like an example of what's in between 'Great' and 'Legendary,' but it isn't necessary.


Aye to Article 197. Although "Deziin" sounds better to me, I am fine with the original spelling.


Aye to Article 198. I see no problem with this article.


Aye to Article 199. I see no problem with this article and I like the concept for what it is used for. I actually would like to use this in my epic.


Aye to Article 200. I see no problem with this article.


Aye to Article 201. I see no problem with this article.


EDIT: Aye to Article 202. Thanks for straightening it out, Ausar and Cap'n.


EDIT: Aye to Article 203. I don't see any reason to oppose this now.

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Aye to Article 196. I would like an example of what's in between 'Great' and 'Legendary,' but it isn't necessary.

You'll find an example here. :lookhere:


Undecided on Article 202. Didn't Makuta Tridax have a Kanohi Olmak in his posession while he was still alive?

Makuta Tridax did not acquire the Olmak until some time after the year 2,500 B.G.C. when it was used by Botar during the "Tuyet Ruse". ;)


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Undecided on Article 203. What's the prize for winning? :P


Defeating your opponent, and probably making them brain dead or actually dead in the process. Just the rush of the game.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Undecided on Article 202. Didn't Makuta Tridax have a Kanohi Olmak in his posession while he was still alive?

Makuta Tridax did not aquire the Olmak until some time after the year 2,500 B.G.C. when it was used by Botar during the "Tuyet Ruse". ;)

The existence of the Medallion also explains Tridax's interest in the Olmak - not only was it an immensely powerful Kanohi, but he probably saw it as a foolproof perfection to the creation that he had lost.


That, and, I kinda need it in "Late Dawns" :P


Also, I'll post my votes tomorrow - it seems as if the BZP server ate two of my posts in the voting entries :S


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AYE to Article 196: If a Noble or powerless Kanohi was embued with Gether Shards, would they become amplified? Or is the amplification limited to Great masks?

AYE to Article 197.

AYE to Article 198.

AYE to Article 199: I've been wanting to use something like this, but this is far better than my idea.

AYE to Article 200: I suppose it's possible that the Shadowed One's disintegration eye beams don't work properly on EP, like with Zaktan.

AYE to Article 201:Not saying it's a bad idea, but why not just use trained Rahi?

AYE to Article 202:Where did Tridax get the Kanoha?

AYE to Article 203: I don't see the need to make the game illegal though. The risk alone should be enough to keep most from playing. However, it would be a less costly way for warring factions to settle disputes.

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