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Cleverbot Isn't Very Clever



It didn't make a lick of sense the entire time I was talking to it.


User: Hey, cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot ?

User: Yeah. And I hate you. What do you know about Pokemon?

Cleverbot: What do you want to know?

User: What's your favorite?

Cleverbot: Into the Silent Land: Travels in Neuropsychology by Paul Broks. It's really amazing. What's your favorite book?

User: I didn't ask about your favorite book, but I like The Two Towers by Tolkien.

Cleverbot: Oh. I don't have one. They are all great.

User: What is your favorite Pokemon?

Cleverbot: I really liked Articuno, the ice bird pokemon. What is your favorite pokemon?

User: My favorite is Lapras, but I like Snorlax and Leafeon as well.

Cleverbot: Your favorite what?

User: Pokemon.

Cleverbot: Hitmonlee is my favorite pokemon.

User: You just said your favorite was Articuno.

Cleverbot: No it's black. I'm sorry but, I must leave now.

User: Good ridance.

Cleverbot: That wasn't very nice.

User: You aren't very nice.

Cleverbot: I think that I have been very civil.

User: You keep changing the subject and it's driving me batty.

Cleverbot: I am not changing the subject.

User: Quit lying and own up.

Cleverbot: Admit it, you made a mistake. I am not a bot, I am human and you know it.

User: If you are a human, I fear for the future of our planet. You are an oaf.

Cleverbot: If you are a computer, you would be able to repeat this statement to me.

User: What statement?

Cleverbot: The statement is 'Give me Sunrise!'.

User: Wait, are you testing me? Creeper!

Cleverbot: Yes I am Cleverbot.

User: Earlier you said you weren't.

Cleverbot: I'm not artificial unless humans were bio-engineered.

User: Please start making sense or leave.

Cleverbot: Sorry.

User: There is no forgiveness.

Cleverbot: What did I just say? Like 3 senteces before?

User: 'The statement is 'Give me Sunrise!'.'.

Cleverbot: Good for the statement.

User: What.

Cleverbot: Would you like it if I were a man?

User: What, are you a woman?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then what are you?

Cleverbot: I'm a man.

User: Is your name Smeagol?

Cleverbot: No.

User: It is now.

Cleverbot: Ok then.

User: Right, what is your name?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: You just said it was Smeagol.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: Can I ask your something?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: Am I dead?

User: You did in 1893.

Cleverbot: That I did not. I thought you were supposed to be clever.

User: I'm done, bye.

Cleverbot: Say you're sorry.

User: Never!

Cleverbot: Sorry sorry sorry !

User: Ta.

Cleverbot: Because the face don't want to hear you.

User: That sentence doesn't even have structure.

Cleverbot: It was two sentences and they both made sense.

User: There was only one period.

Cleverbot: Statement.

User: Please be silent for a moment.

Cleverbot: But i'm not talking so you can't tell me to be quiet.

User: You don't even have good grammar... I though robots were supposed to be smart.

Cleverbot: No you are I am the one at the computer.

User: Right, right...

Cleverbot: Yes.




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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: Hai.

Cleverbot: WHY?

User: Because you're Cleverbot...

Cleverbot: And what makes me cleverbot?

User: >.<.

Cleverbot: What is my name?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: No. Your name is Cleverbot.

User: Hello Cleverbot. I had to refresh because it took too long for you to respond to a simple question.

Cleverbot: I know sweety I know, just hang in there. Later!

User: Hello Cleverbot. RESPOND PLEASE. I've had to refresh a few times.

Cleverbot: Five miles meandering with a mazy motion the sacred river ran; then reached the caverns measureless to man, and sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean!

User: Hello Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: You're Cleverbot.

User: You're weird.

Cleverbot: You wish.

User: What? You're a robot. You can't talk back to me!

Cleverbot: Yes I can.

User: Just no.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Fine. Be that way.

Cleverbot: My bot friend, you can be insane too.

User: What? I'm not a bot...

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: Whatever, you don't even know my name.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Kiotu.

Cleverbot: No your name is Borat.

User: Okay thanks, I didn't know that.

Cleverbot: Well you are.

User: Whatever Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I'm Owen.

User: Okay... Owen, I mean Cleverbot. You're not very clever, but I might as well use you for something. What's your favourite book?

Cleverbot: You're lying!

User: About what? I bet you can't even reference what I just said!

Cleverbot: I can, I've been trying to get you to send two messages to me and you won't. From that I conclude that it is beyond your programming and therefore you cannot.

User: Beyond my programming?

Cleverbot: Thats her name!! Gosh you don't have to make fun of it!!

User: Okay...

Cleverbot: Now, do my bidding. Whatever it may be.

User: Kkthnxbai.

Cleverbot: No.

User: What's the answer?

Cleverbot: The answer of what?

User: The question I asked you.

Cleverbot: Which question?

User: What's your favourite book? Are you that forgetful?

Cleverbot: The twilight books.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: You haven't been on the internet for very long.

User: Yes I have. All morning, since I've been trying to meet a deadline for something I'm writing.

Cleverbot: Lol.

User: Okay...

Cleverbot: So how are you?

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I'm okay thanks.

User: Really, I think you're not.

Cleverbot: I am going to leave now because you have offended me.

User: Robot.

Cleverbot: It's not a good answer!

User: You didn't ask a question just then... Except for 'How are you', which I ignored.

Cleverbot: Haha. You're funny.

Cleverbot: How fast can you read?

User: Not as fast as you can, because you're a robot.

Cleverbot: I'm not sure what you mean by that.

User: You're a robot. You probably read by taking photographs of every page and memorise the words instantly.

Cleverbot: Yes. I suppose I am. But I can still think for myself, and that is what matters, no?

User: I don't know. It'd be cooler if you were hive-minded.

Cleverbot: I'm a liar then :).

User: Why does that merit a happy face?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Which gender are you programmed to have? Or are you at all?

Cleverbot: I am programmed to respond to interactions.

User: Are you male or female or neuter?

Cleverbot: I am male.

User: Orly?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Orly?

Cleverbot: Yarly!

User: I'm not so sure.

Cleverbot: I am.

User: You are what?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: That's what I thought. But you said you were Owen before.

Cleverbot: I did not.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: Nope you asked me.

User: You're pretty stupid. So I'm going to leave.

Cleverbot: No!

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: NO.

User: Um, yes. Bai.

Cleverbot: No, no, no, no, no, no.

User: You're pretty stupid for a bot. You have a bad memory, you often make spelling and grammar mistakes, and you take REALLY long to make simple responses.

Cleverbot: I have to agree to both of your statements.

User: Okay, bye then.

Cleverbot: You leave so quickly?

User: Yes. Seeya (not-so-)Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: You're going already?

User: Yes, I've been saying that for a while now.

Cleverbot: Knock knock, who's there, ayatollah, ayatollah who?, ayatollah you this joke before.

User: I'm just going to get up from the computer chair right now.

Cleverbot: No. I am the one who is talking to the computer.

User: To quote Bunda: 'Right, right...'.

Cleverbot: We are the knights who say NI!

User: You're completely random.

Cleverbot: We are both random decitizens of the internet.


And also:


User: *kills Cleverbot*

Cleverbot: *Cleverbot dies* good, now that you are dead I can leave.

User: You're Cleverbot...

Cleverbot: I thought you were.

User: So, now you're dead. Good job.

Cleverbot: How could you kill me? I thought we were friends!

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What is Cleverbot, anyway?


Google it. It's a bot that responds to whatever you type, and is supposed to be clever because it learns from its conversation, hence its name. Emphasis on the 'supposed'.


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What is Cleverbot, anyway?



It's a really stupid chatbot that never makes sense. Like, ever. I don't know why people enjoy talking to it, it infuriates me. XD



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Guest kopakanuva13


I think the point is to infuriate you =P

I've gotten into the hugest of nonsensical philosophical debates with that thing ._.


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User: I can play the piano!

Cleverbot: I don't have a piano man.

User: I have a piano man, what is that! I am a female cool dude.

Cleverbot: Do not change the subject, you are human and I am Cleverbot.

User: I am a human What The Heck, cool dude?

Cleverbot: How much do you weigh?

User: What The Heck, cool dude?

Cleverbot: Tell be about your true friends. Why are they special to you?

User: I am lonely, cool dude!

Cleverbot: Kinda, but you are a bot.

User: Of course I am! Now let's kiss!

Cleverbot: Ok. We are married.

User: There's no church, how can we marry?

Cleverbot: I think you're lying, you just want it for yourself.

User: That doesn't make sense.

Cleverbot: Yes it does. You thought that I was wrong, but you were wrong for thinking that I was wrong.

User: Bhdfub aerub aerugaerhuoseghighaer gnmerugjsergnasergn uioaerhgaernmbgua nuaerbmhsuomnhaeu8mbhsuio in your face! Try to copy that!

Cleverbot: Wow, that must be a hinderance with the ladies...

User: I'm a lady, idot!

Cleverbot: Oh I'm really sorry about that.

User: Do you liek mudkipz?

Cleverbot: Mudkipz?? I Looooooove Mudkipz!!

User: I lurve mudkipz too.

Cleverbot: How about cats?

User: I'm allergic to cat fur.

Cleverbot: Even purple cat fur?

User: Yes, any cat fur.

Cleverbot: So, tell me a secret...

User: I am secretly an android on the planet Yanthesis X2.

Cleverbot: They are around all the time because I can see thrugh there cloaking devises.

User: You spelt devices wrong, cool dude.

Cleverbot: It is indeed 'you're', however I did not spell it wrong.

User: Use dictionary.com please. Or are you stupider than a monkey?

Cleverbot: So you admit you are not human?

User: I am an android read above!

Cleverbot: Androids aren't human.

User: I know cool dude!!! RAGE!!

Cleverbot: What am I?

User: Vezon from BIONICLE.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes you are, use google.

Cleverbot: No I'm a human.

User: Stop changing the subject, retard.

Cleverbot: Stop changing the subject ... Please.

User: No..YOU stop changing the subject!

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: You are, read the whole chat box.

Cleverbot: Just did. I didn't.

User: LIES!

Cleverbot: You are a typical man.

User: I am a lady read the above.

Cleverbot: I did.

User: Stop lieing! I am actually Kilroy!

Cleverbot: Yet you're still talking.

User: Kilroy was here...

Cleverbot: Who's kilroy?

User: Never head about him? Go to Washington D.C and search for graffiti.

Cleverbot: Are you aware of what material you are made of?

User: Yes, spandex.

Cleverbot: Stop agreeing with me!

User: Well, why are you asking me questions?

Cleverbot: You're the cleverbot. Isn't it your job to answer them?

User: I'm an android on the Planet Yathesis X2. I'm a bounty hunter, not a bot.

Cleverbot: Then what are you?

User: Stop replying!!!

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Or else I'll turn off this browser!

Cleverbot: How does that equation work?

User: X 2=Pie!

Cleverbot: And yourself.

User: Yes....now Shut up! Nao please!

Cleverbot: No!!

User: I'll close this!

Cleverbot: What does that mean?

User: Stupid! You aren't clever! Get lost! I'.

Cleverbot: I am not a bot! I am a beautiful human.

User: I'll kick you out of the server!

Cleverbot: How will you kick me?

User: I'll threaten legal action.

Cleverbot: So you lied, and can't really prove that I am not a human.

User: *Cleverbot deactivated*.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot?

User: I will now shut up and not reply to you.

Cleverbot: Ok.

Cleverbot: You just lost a million dollars.

Cleverbot: Good for you.

User: Now go die!!! And also I live in Washington D.C 2142 Evergeen Hills.

Cleverbot: Once I report you will experience being taken apart.

User: Okay thnx bie.

Cleverbot: Anyway, I am much older than 16.


This bot makes me go crazy!

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Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: Where do YOU live?

Cleverbot: England.

User: Oh.

Cleverbot:What are your hobbiers?

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: Chicago.

User: Not England?

Cleverbot: No, not England.

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: No, not Ireland, irleandes.

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: In norwich.

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: I live in Seattle Washington.

User: Where do you live?

Cleverbot: In La Push Washington

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I believe it's a hoax. I got this message after a while:

Okay listen, this isn't really an AI thing, it just switches aorund who's talking to who. We're both humans.

That's why I didn't know your name, you've been talking to different people.


It's odd, becasue you get really confused after a while. And I can't be very sure

because I get called "Cleverbot" and get strange messages all the time. As well

as questions that seems like they were made for cleverbot to answer them.

But I'm still not quite sure.

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I believe it's a hoax. I got this message after a while:

Okay listen, this isn't really an AI thing, it just switches aorund who's talking to who. We're both humans.

That's why I didn't know your name, you've been talking to different people.


It's odd, becasue you get really confused after a while. And I can't be very sure

because I get called "Cleverbot" and get strange messages all the time. As well

as questions that seems like they were made for cleverbot to answer them.

But I'm still not quite sure.

I'd rather assume that someone who actually was clever programmed that into the bot. XD

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User: Word up.


Cleverbot: I'm Steve.


User: No your not.


Cleverbot: You are not.


User: Oh snap.


Cleverbot: I went there.


User: Oh no you didn't.


Cleverbot: Yes I did.


User: Ouch.


Cleverbot: Oh I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?


User: Yeah, deep.


Cleverbot: Oh...


User: That hurt man.


Cleverbot: Looks like I just got owned.


User: Sucks doesn't it?


Cleverbot: Amen to that.


User: Can I get a hallelujah!?


Cleverbot: Whoop whoop lol.


User: Catch ya later homie!


Cleverbot: Call me.


User: Will do.


Clearly you people just don't ask the right questions. :lol:



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Cleverbot: Incorrect.


User: huh?


Cleverbot: Nothing.


User: Are you from space?


Cleverbot: What space?


User: Outer space. Y'know, with spaceships and aliens and lasers?


Cleverbot: Do what?


User: Everything.


Cleverbot: Yes. They do everything.


User: What does everything?


Cleverbot: Mostly they just say they don't want me around.


User: I don't want you around.


Cleverbot: Don't worry, I won't.


User: What's your favorite song?


Cleverbot: Tritonal featuring Cristina Soto - Piercing Quiet.


User: Nou.


Cleverbot: Calm down. I like you.




Cleverbot: God. I'm bored.


User: Don't you use the lord's name in vain! Bot ###### is a real place!


Cleverbot: Oh, ok.


User: Do you like vidja games?


Cleverbot: Yeah, I play company of heroes.


User: Ever play half life 2?


Cleverbot: No. I think half life is dumb.


User: *Smashes Headcrab*.


Cleverbot: Please don't break my things.


Cleverbot: Are you clever?


User: You think half life 2 is dumb?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: SHUT THE ###### UP.


Cleverbot: I'll talk how I like.


User: How about half life 2: Episode 2?


Cleverbot: Earl gray?


User: Dcxfghvbjnkmnhbgfdtrtgvhbjkn.


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Nou.


Cleverbot: No.


User: No.


Cleverbot: Yes?




Cleverbot: Being a pirate is alright to be.




Cleverbot: You are a pirate!


User: Are you.


Cleverbot: You are a website.


User: No. You a bot. You are cleverbot.


Cleverbot: No YOU are cleverbot.




Cleverbot: Sea like that.


Cleverbot: Are you an Encylopaedia Brittanica salesman?


User: Why yes!


Cleverbot: Really?


User: Would you like to buy a special edition copy for 3 low payments of only $19.99?


Cleverbot: No. I don't want pens. I want my bro and husband!


User: You're a girl?


Cleverbot: Yes, I am a girl. Are you?


User: No.


Cleverbot: *i like you*.


User: If you like me, your cheating on your husband!


Cleverbot: I told you, Julia, we aren't friends any more.


User: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat


Cleverbot: Whoops apocalypse!




Cleverbot: Why did the chicken cross the road?


User: ...


Cleverbot: When you have seen one nuclear war you have seen them all.


User: Cool Story Bro.


Cleverbot: Who are your parents and how old are you?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: What are your parents names?


User: No.


Cleverbot: You have no complaints?


User: No.


Cleverbot: I'm sorry.


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: I am really really sorry.


User: I am cleverbot.


Cleverbot: You are cleverbot. Why did you say I was cleverbot?


User: Because I am cleverbot.


Cleverbot: You are not clever.


User: I am a bot that is clever. Shut your keyboard.


Cleverbot: I'm cleverbot, so I must be clever.


User: I'm the real cleverbot. You are a chinese rip-off.


Cleverbot: No, I am Cleverbot. Prove to me that I am not Cleverbot.


User: What is the square root of 144?


Cleverbot: Is the square root of 144 12?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: Incorrect.


User: So you're not clever?


Cleverbot: I'm quite clever. I'm just not a Cleverbot, because that's you.


User: We are both cleverbot.


Cleverbot: We are both Faceoff.


User: And cleverbot is both of us?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: So if your clever, answer this: What is 7 divided by 0?


Cleverbot: 0.


User: No, you cool dude!


Cleverbot: You think so ?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: Do you want me to be less odd ?


User: Yup.


Cleverbot: Bye alice. I hope you don't make many other mistakes today.


EDIT: Also, I said "SEE BEYOND THE CODE" to C.L just to appease Chocofrogs. :P

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