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2 Movies



Avatar: Saw it twice in 3D while in Texas. It was awesome both times. Mind boggling effects. Okay story, seen it before, but that doesn't make it bad. Nothing new under the sun, eh? I wanted to see it in 2D the second time but the 2D show was sold out. 3D was good, much better than the only other 3D movie I saw (though that was ages ago. Spy Kids 3D. The very name leaves an evil taste in my mouth). Made me a bit dizzy for a few minutes but I got used to it.


Harry Potter and the The Half-Blood Prince: Borrowed it from my cousin. One of the better HP movies. Well made, unlike many of them. I don't know if it's my favorite, seems pretty even with Azkaban (sp?). I think I may have liked Azkaban more, though. Seriously, some of the HP movies are awful... I was confused and bewildered the entire time I was watching Pheonix... lol


Saw Holmes again last night, spur of the moment with my fambly. Loved it again.




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Ah, but he saw one again, therefore, he knew what was going to happen before it did, therefore, he may have saw 3, but he only saw 2 that were new.


Confusing, is it not?

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Ah, but he saw one again, therefore, he knew what was going to happen before it did, therefore, he may have saw 3, but he only saw 2 that were new.


Confusing, is it not?

Red snapper! Very tasty!


I mean, yeah. I wasn't planning on mentioning Holmes when I named it.



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I liked Phoenix because it was true to the themes of the book, even if a whole lot of content was missing. HBP blows it away though.


Goblet of Fire is the worst. I mean, leading on to the world cup and not even showing it? Disgusting.


The first two are alright. Azkaban is excellent, even with the freeze frame of Harry's face at the end.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Avatar is mega-awesome. Up is better :evilgrin:

That is, if you're talking 2009 films.


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