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Communism: Inadvertently Saving The World, One Russia At A Time



Without Lenin and his Soviet Union, the White Russians would have won the struggle for control of Russia, and a non-communist, possibly even democratic government would have eventually emerged. So Joseph Stalin wouldn't have been around to kill tens of millions of Russian people, which would have been super, but there also would have been no "Uncle Joe" to drag Russia kicking and screaming into modernity so that they could have the military ******ery to kill eight out of every 10 Germans that died in WWII.


I'm not a communist, but whether or not you like it, it's hard to argue that with that kind of killing ratio, Stalin and his drive to reach the modern age saved Russia from being steamrolled, stealing Germany from plenty of supplies in WWII, leaving them fighting a two-front war, and making it so the Russians weren't like they were in WWI fairly arguably saved the world from becoming a Nazi-controlled mess.


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Yeah, but communism is like anarchism; it's only a temporary solution for a long-term problem. Like that intern who can crack down for a month, then gives up and resorts to cheap beer.

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You cant quite second guess history. If I remember correctly (which I may not) Russia briefly allied with Germany in WWII, but then some disputes came up and they became rivals. So maybe if Russia had been democratic earlier, than they would've fallen to Germany earlier or stayed with them longer...


And yeah, the weird thing about how Russia and the US were bitter foes was that they were allies in WWII... ah, the complexity of history and senseless violence.



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Yeah, but communism is like anarchism; it's only a temporary solution for a long-term problem. Like that intern who can crack down for a month, then gives up and resorts to cheap beer.


True. Even so though, if a government that wasn't a communism(And therefore didn't basically give the government the resources of both the government and every private citizen in the country, which is handy when that country happens to be as big and numerous as Russia.) rose from the Russian Revolution, then in addition to the above monetary issue, it wouldn't have someone as ****-bent on progression as Stalin leading it, which would mean it would likely be a similar giant bullet shield to itself in WWI, only this time pushed probably about three times as quickly back to Moscow, which, as said in the entry, would've helped Germany a lot.


Again, I'm not denying that it's only a temporary fix, nor am I denying that historically and just thinking about it, Communism is a system that, while nice if it could work and an understandable idea, is doomed to fail, I'm merely saying that if given foresight, I don't think anyone would've resisted the Communist takeover, lest the world(Likely starting with Russia) be taken in WWII, and that given hindsight, there was indeed a silver lining to Soviet Russia and the Cold War other than Space programs.


You cant quite second guess history. If I remember correctly (which I may not) Russia briefly allied with Germany in WWII, but then some disputes came up and they became rivals. So maybe if Russia had been democratic earlier, than they would've fallen to Germany earlier or stayed with them longer...


And yeah, the weird thing about how Russia and the US were bitter foes was that they were allies in WWII... ah, the complexity of history and senseless violence.




Well, I can't be certain since I haven't studied WWII as in-depth as I have WWI yet, but I'm pretty sure that the reason Russia came to the Allies' side was that Hitler made and subsequently broke a few treaties with Russia.


And agreed, it's interesting how easily things like that can be set aside when everyone agrees on one target. As Winston Churchill! said on the very subject, "If Hitler invaded heck, I would at least make a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons", so at the least, England had no gripes about joining with anyone to defeat Germany! :lol:

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It was totally "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" with an extra "and then when we beat up on that one enemy and resolve the conflict and all, we're back to being enemies ourselves, so don't get chummy."



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In terms of evil, I personally don't find much difference between Hitler's Third Reich, Stalin's Soviet Union, and certain present-day empires. :ziplip:



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Well, I can't be certain since I haven't studied WWII as in-depth as I have WWI yet, but I'm pretty sure that the reason Russia came to the Allies' side was that Hitler made and subsequently broke a few treaties with Russia.

I think Germany and Russia made a treaty or something not to attack each other but when Germany allied with Japan it sent its armies across Russian territory to try and forge a path for the Japanese infantry to get to the front. Needless to say Russia was a bit ticked off about this

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Hitler lost WWII not to anyone but himself.


Just an FYI.

Pay attention to this guy, he knows his stuff.




Hitlers generals were all like "sir we need to pull back" and Hitler was all like "Never give up ground!" and then the generals were all like "but sir we have no food and the Russian winter is coming!" then Hitler was all like "Never retreat!" and then the generals were all like "screw you Hitler"

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Okay... but where's the research? The killing numbers, that sort of stuff.

Well, I can't be certain since I haven't studied WWII as in-depth as I have WWI yet, but I'm pretty sure that the reason Russia came to the Allies' side was that Hitler made and subsequently broke a few treaties with Russia.

The fact that Hitler, before then, was screaming about how much he hated Slavs and planned to wipe out Russia might have helped.


I mean, industrialization is great and all, but you can't claim that it was largely due to Communist intervention and the like. Besides, the fact that ANY smart person would have gone with industry, given Russia's poor performance in WWI (and the rising powers of Germany to the west and Japan to the east) might well have spurred anyone on. Additionally, you can't really claim that the industry worked as well as you'd believe. You have to consider the Russian winter, VAST area, and the massive numbers that Stalin just chucked at the advancing Germans.

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Okay... but where's the research? The killing numbers, that sort of stuff.

Well, I can't be certain since I haven't studied WWII as in-depth as I have WWI yet, but I'm pretty sure that the reason Russia came to the Allies' side was that Hitler made and subsequently broke a few treaties with Russia.

The fact that Hitler, before then, was screaming about how much he hated Slavs and planned to wipe out Russia might have helped.


I mean, industrialization is great and all, but you can't claim that it was largely due to Communist intervention and the like. Besides, the fact that ANY smart person would have gone with industry, given Russia's poor performance in WWI (and the rising powers of Germany to the west and Japan to the east) might well have spurred anyone on. Additionally, you can't really claim that the industry worked as well as you'd believe. You have to consider the Russian winter, VAST area, and the massive numbers that Stalin just chucked at the advancing Germans.

Yes, but we also have to remember that this is the Tsar we're talking about, who wasn't the best political mind in the sandbox.


Also, Rasputin put a curse on them.

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We also have to remember that the Tsar abdicated in favor of a semi-democratic government, which then got taken over by Lenin before it could do that much.

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Pure Communism is great; everyone gets what they need from everyone else. Works great for villages and small towns. Once you get above a 1,000 or so, though, things start to break done.


Pure Communism in small groups=Excllent.

Russian Communism for half a bill=Bad.

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Pure Communism is great; everyone gets what they need from everyone else. Works great for villages and small towns. Once you get above a 1,000 or so, though, things start to break done.


Pure Communism in small groups=Excllent.

Russian Communism for half a bill=Bad.

I think how good or bad a communistic society is depends on how east it is to get rid of the leader.

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125 German Generals in WWII were killed. 86 of them were by Hitler.


Seriously, I could've lead the Nazis better than Hitler did during the War years.



It's interesting to know that a man can survive 47 assassination attempts, only to kill himself (or, if you ask Stalin, go into hiding). The only man who can kill Hitler, was Hitler himself.

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Maybe it's because MI6 decided to mess with his mind, make him overly paranoid, and thus, more self-destructive. :P


I mean, if my opponent had such a lousy boss, I'd do all I could to keep him in power.

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...And, adding to the theory above, the assassination attempts deliberately failed, therefore giving Goebbels fodder to elevate Hitler into a demi-god, and provide a list of Hitler Facts.

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