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"ḊṘ ẆḢȮ İṠ ______"



I dreamt last night that for whatever reason, my phone number was given to every member on BZP and I was constantly getting flooded with calls that were all "FIX THE SERVER NOW, PLEASE", and while I appreciated these people asking so politely (albeit in a very loud and caps lock'd manner), I was like "uhhhhhh, I think you should be talking to Bink....or Black Six....or someone that is not me...."


Then, while wandering my universities' campus trying to answer all of these calls, I went back to my dorm, only to find that ChocolateFrogs had shown up with a few friends and decided to decorate every hall with massive amounts Dr. Who stuff. So, I went to my room and my roommates were standing there looking at our newly decorated door (mainly covered in hundreds of papers saying "DR. WHO IS ______" and were like "ok, so this guy came by and he was decorating the hall, and he kind of wanted to decorate inside the dorm as well because he claimed it would be a "great surprise", but we talked him out of it. Do you know him or anything?" I just looked at them in slight confusion and awkwardness, and then saw Ben out of the corner of my eye running down the hall towards the second floor, cackling madly while brandishing fistfuls of paper streamers.


And, in ALL of this, it never occurred to me just just turn off my phone.


Dr. Who is not a mosaic! Or maybe he is! I don't know! But in the mean time, check out this mosaic idea!


(and 193 days until BrickFair!!!)


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Someone else that has strange dreams and remembers them! I think I just met my match…


This is really awesome. :D


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I had a dream a while ago that Severus Snape was in my kitchen, being emo and trying to cut his wrists, and I was like "NO SNAPE, stop being emo, we love you", and then I randomly appeared in my backyard, in which there was a thunderstorm and I ran back inside again; suddenly, I became a little first grader with a British accent. Shortly thereafter, I was at my high school, and I was strolling down the hallway with my mom and the old retired band assistant on the last day of school, talking about one of our weird percussion players and heading to lunch, although the high school didn't actually look like my high school.






o.O I am slightly intrigued for a dream analysis of this, just to see what it might mean. I've got an idea about what my dream means (except for the part with Ben, that just baffles me a bit :P).


Perhaps, it's some sort of a desire to snog Snape, and maybe a past desire to be a child in Britain in the hopes of getting your Hogwarts letter despite the fact that you're at this point in school where everything is moving and going towards your future plans, and it's starting to feel like even though you've been in school all this time and grown up with certain people all these years, the familiar things are starting to become foreign?



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