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Dividing The Properties



Since I'll be gone for a while, the length of which I'm not even sure of, my RPG characters and other responsibilities will have to be delegated to people. All characters being handed off will have posts to help in the transition, so no worries; I'm not going to pull a Sera.




Star Wars RPG - Crimson Jester, the General Manager, will assume full control in my absence.

Requiem - Since we have a lot of staff anyway and I'm not really a core member, no need to delegate anyone.



RPG Characters


Caedast - Crimson Jester; partial control. Move her as needed or as instructed, but no story-advancing unless told.

Ahadica - Spink; complete control.

Ardexa - ~Desu; complete control.

Nakaii - Nuju Metru; partial control; Same as Caedast.



Chamina - Null. No plans of note, no immediate scenes of danger, so she'll be dormant.


The Bridge

Treyla - Null. She needs me to use her, since her personality is too fleshed out and too attached to me.

Toa Chamina - Evex - The Enforcer has full permission to use her.

Shasaii - Null. She's too new, has had no impact, and as a result, needs no user. Any plans I have for her can be postponed.


A Midnight Requiem

Arinayz - Null. To be honest, while she has a lot of potential for storyline-making stuff, I'd rather it come from my fingers. While Half-Dragon can retcon her, nothing else is allowed.

Alvasha - Null. Permission to retcon her in anything regarding the Sons of Makuta is allowed by anyone. Like, if you have a prisoner you wanna torture, feel free to say that Alvasha was the person doing it. But again, no 1st person stuff.


Star Wars RPG

Ton Tanj - Null. He's too big in the story and I have many plans for him, so giving him to someone wouldn't work out.

Lanna Kemal - Null. Same story.

Ahadica - Null. Same story.


Halo RPG

Allison - Spink, I guess. xP Doesn't really matter to me. Not like I'm active in the RPG, anyway. =P



Site Responsibilities

RPG Judgeship - Not like I could pass this on to anyone without retiring, which I have no intentions of doing. I'll still be on periodically to check submissions and do my job in general, so no need to resign.


Being the Epic Awesome Emperor - I abdicate. I don't want to be the super awesome ruler of the world, I wanna just be EW the selfless friend. Some say I already am that, but I can't be selfless unless I remove the pride first.




In closing, I'll be back (with guns and stuff), I just dunno when. Stay in touch to find out when I shall return. When I do, I expect things to be better than before. I know y'all can handle what I do much better than I can, and things should be brighter than now, with me and mine.


I'll make one last entry when I leave, just for kicks.




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