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Imperial Self - Imposed Exile Update



I'm thinking of taking one. Wait, actually, I will be taking one. I need to think outside the Web, stray away from the black hole BZP has become for me, taking my time, my life, and my intelligence from me, and generally making my life ever more stressful and stuff.


One may think, "Gee, this EW kid really is looking for attention," but I assure you; I'm not. This isn't just about BZP, this is about my life. Everything is being rethought. Everything.


Here's my plan: I'll be gone this weekend from noonish tomorrow till late evening Saturday. Boy Scout Klondike Derby is here and this is my last one as a youth. This is it: my legacy with the troop. We get a couple places here and my long-term plans would have been successful. You have no idea how much that'd mean to me.


Anyway, the plan: I'll come back Saturday evening, get some shuteye, and on Sunday I'll prepare my absence, handing off my RPG characters to people, handing torches, informing people. And on Monday, poof! No EW. I'm shooting for the end of the month as the end of my break, but depending on how good I feel, that may be longer.



Notes: I will stay on my IM programs to stay in touch with my friends, but I'm not gonna be on as much anymore. Also, I will be checking back to do my RPG Judge duties; I'm not going to shirk my responsibilities. The Star Wars RPG will be left in the capable hands of CJ ,who will have all the authority I normally wield. And most of all, I love you all, and I mean that. This is not at all because of any of you, it's cuz of me.





Update: Handing off my torches tonight and stuff. See blog entry below for details on who gets what out of my empire.


Also, Klondike was a blast. I had friends I hadn't seen in months or years coming up and saying hi, and it was overall just a really enjoyable experience. Our patrols (we fielded three) didn't get any overall positions in the Derby, but our best patrol unofficially got 9th place, so it's not like we sucked. We did awesome, regardless of what some kids claim.


As for my "exile," as I fancy it, it is going to happen. Still not sure when it will be over, but I'm probably going to set up some goals for me to accomplish, only returning when they are completed, so that I don't claim maturity and get trapped in BZP again. This is going to mean and do something.


I'll post a final entry in typical EW style when I officially leave, so stay tuned if any of you care. =P






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Take your time. We all need a break every once in a while and it helps loads in situations like these. Doesn't make me any less sad at seeing you go though.


Have fun at camp, too...you'll still be going to National Jamboree right?

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Personally I'm impressed that you had the decency to let everyone know.


Last time I did something like this I just dropped off the face of the earth for a week or two.



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Take the time to relax and figure out your life. Sometimes pulling away from something for a bit can help you find perspective in the overall aspect of what's going on overall. You're an amazing person and definitely part of this community, so we don't want to lose you, but at the same time, finding that balance in it all is really key.


And if you need to rant or anything, you know where to find me. :)



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Personally I'm impressed that you had the decency to let everyone know.


Last time I did something like this I just dropped off the face of the earth for a week or two.



I think I did that once, but then again, that was like... when I knew absolutely no one on BZP :P


But, EW, just be sure you come back, cuz otherwise I'll miss you too much. :(


(Good luck, by the way!)


*Spink knows he said that yesterday, but wanted to say it again because you can never have too much luck*

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Personally I'm impressed that you had the decency to let everyone know.


Last time I did something like this I just dropped off the face of the earth for a week or two.



I may be lacking in moral regards, but I'm not the type of person to just disappear without telling people. Besides, I've got duties here (Judgeship, some RPGs, etc.), so if I just disappeared, people'd be all, "Where did Empie go?" and it would become a problem. It's not like you actual staffers where there's almost always someone to fill your shows when you take a break, either, since there's only seven Judges and we all count, (And only one EW, I might add xP) so yeah.



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I've been having breaks on and off over the past few months, though if it wasn't for all of that I would have taken a nice long break. They are really good to have.

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You'll be missed for the time you're gone, man, but I see where you're coming from. Sometimes it's nice to just step back and do something that's important to you, maybe reorder your life a bit while you're at it. I often find you come out better for it. Good luck with the derby!



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:kaukau:I concur that this is a good idea. We all need breaks from things that do us little good when we know that there are other things that we must focus our energy on. You can only get so much out of this website.


Thus, because I agree with your reasoning, your plans for the next month are logical.


In the meantime, I will miss you, but at the same time, I haven't been talking to you much anyways. I guess I won't notice much of a difference. However, when we do get around to talking again, I look forward to some new word.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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