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Good News And Bad News....



What do you want to hear first: good news or bad news?








OK, bad news. The doctor saw the X-ray of my finger and he said the people at the hospital are usually wrong about stuff like that. So it's probably broken.


Good news. Enough people rated my blog and the rating showed up! Even better is that I have 5 out of 5 stars! :happydance: Thanks everybody!


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Doctor: "Don't worry, it'll get better!" *Sickly cracking noise* Torhuki: "You sure about that?" Doctor: "Yes! You'll probably only get three infections out of the usual eight from problems like these!" Torhuki: "But Doc, that's awful! Can't you do anything? My life will be horribly wasted if nothing's done!" Doctor: "Aw, don't get all Emo on me."

Seriously, though, I hope you get better.


Heh, heh. Funny. :D Yeah, I hope I get better too. Good thing is I got a decent drawing done, just need to scan it.

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Woah, I'm pretty sure that's a BZP first. :blink:


You may wish to have proof, so here.


Umm...I looked for myself and I still don't believe it. :blink: ....that's creepy.....

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Happy super-five-star rating day! And I hope you won't-not-never get a broken finger, and if you did, I hope you won't before!




Seriously, get well soon. Or else.





I don't know if I'm supposed to be scared or happy....

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It's not a first for someone's blog to be rated 5.0 out of 5.....Smeagol4's blog was rated as such for the first 10 votes, until votes 11 and 12 were 1-stars to bring his rating down to 4.3 out of 5.


Just a note, though: you've got nowhere to go but down.





Well, yeah, I'm just glad people think this blog is good. Umm....yeah....down......

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So, you have a broken finger, eh? You better feel lucky. I broke my wrist last year! It stunk!


Seriously, though, I hope you get well soon. You better, or else the Grim Reaper will have a party at your house.



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