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All my Bionicles (bionicles) have mold on them. And their canisters. And to a lesser extent my extra pieces.


And some of my Halo figures.


And probably my books.


Curse this damp environment.




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I had a brief problem with fruit flies last summer: they left their little specks of droppings on everything they touched, including MOCs.


Mold is a lot worse, I imagine. You have my sincerest sympathies.



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It's not terribly large heaps of fungus... just specks of black... still nasty...


Also; mouse cute. But probably not in LEGO Bricks.



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Eww, but I had an instance where my environment had been damp and some of my books had to perish. =(


But here, it's all dry and the air is thin and all I get out of it is a constant cough ><

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Also; mouse cute. But probably not in LEGO Bricks.



True. It left me a few gifts in that pile. D:




My are mold free. But very dusty.



And this too. BIONICLE pieces are like the hardest things to dust ever.

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My sets have a dust problem. :P


If I clean them, the next day they're basically covered by an inch of dust again.


But I guess mold is far worse. I guess I'll be having that problem when I move. >_< How are you dealing with it?

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My sets have a dust problem. :P


If I clean them, the next day they're basically covered by an inch of dust again.


But I guess mold is far worse. I guess I'll be having that problem when I move. >_< How are you dealing with it?

It comes off with some damp cloth rubbing.


But the prospect of rubbing all my Bionicles (bionicles) with a damp cloth is... not... happiful.



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My sets have a dust problem. :P


If I clean them, the next day they're basically covered by an inch of dust again.


But I guess mold is far worse. I guess I'll be having that problem when I move. >_< How are you dealing with it?

It comes off with some damp cloth rubbing.


But the prospect of rubbing all my Bionicles (bionicles) with a damp cloth is... not... happiful.




True. :P


I guess I could always seal them in airtight containers. =P

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