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In my opinion the text would look better in red or something as to be a bit more visible.

Red looked icky and gross.

I agree. And what's with the horizontal white line? Otherwise, it rules.



What horizontal white line?



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I don't see any line.


Anyway, it's pretty cool. Though I agree with Than, outines on the text would be pretty good.


So, who do you like better, Cloud or Balthier?

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Interesting, I don't see anything... *confused*


So this means I gotta totally redo it? :(

I see it too. I'd printscreen it and show you, but I'm too lazy. :P Someone with a lot of free time could do it, though. *cue*
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I'm seeing the line of doom, too. :P


But, yeah, pretty cool decor stuffs, Omi.




Me too, Omi. =( It's not that noticeable, though.


Lol, you have enough entrys to make a Final Fantasy Catigory. (BTW, Final Fantasy owns)

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Yay! Visible text rocks. Let's see, oh, there are links over there now. :P

...and it doesn't show on Firefox 1.0.7.

Must be something with how the browser interprets a forced carriage return in the page coding or something.



Dude, get Firefox 2.0.0. There are themes that let it look like 1.0 and 1.5.


The same applies for all you white-line stalked IE users. :P


~ :kakamanu: ~

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If 1.0.7 would autoupdate to 2.0.0, sure.

Otherwise, someone's going to have to link me. :P


-KIE, who isn't allowed to install IE 7.0 (or any other browser, to his knowledge) on his computer at work.

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If 1.0.7 would autoupdate to 2.0.0, sure.

Otherwise, someone's going to have to link me. :P


-KIE, who isn't allowed to install IE 7.0 (or any other browser, to his knowledge) on his computer at work.

Check out http:...


Oh. Nevermind.


Um. Um. Perhaps I could download 1.0 and find out...


~ :kakamanu: ~

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