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My own week update, cuz stuff actually happened for once. :P


Well, for starters, there was the Sunday - Wednesday era for me, which was rather standard. Had no forums to assist in at the time, so I was pretty free in terms of BZP responsibilities, which meant ME2 and completely forgetting that I was to be on RPG Radio Live on Friday (Which means I didn't prep for that). However, in terms of life related things, that's roughly it. Didn't have school on Thursday, but that was rather nice -- gave me a break to get everything done at once. Oh, and I finished my school registration, yay!


For BZPower related events, well, there's a few things that probably won't be viewed as "Oh amazing super awesome," but hey, it's something to talk about. The first thing that happened was that I actually did end up with four forums to do stuff in (Fan Created Games, Collectibles, Completely Off Topic and Lego General Discussion) which is all pretty neat. However, what dwarfs that in comparison is the recent RPG Radio Live episode which occurred. I wasn't totally prepared for it, and was a bit hesitant to really speak at unannounced times just because I didn't want to clutter it all up with two voices at once. :P


It was fun to do though, and we got a good number of people who called in -- even though our last caller (Rabid Janus Fangirl) didn't get a chance to speak, due to technical difficulties and time limits.


But yeah, I'm listening through it now to see if I can spy anything that needs changing that no one posted on the site, but so far Sera hit the nail on the head with the issues (My cat, the pauses, and there was another thing... can't quite recall). Though, I'm astounded by the interest level in RPG Radio Live, I really didn't think it'd get as huge a response as it did. ^_^


Later I'll be watching Zombieland, so if I become unresponsive out of nowhere, that'd be why.


But again, thank you to everyone who contributed to the first episode of RPG Radio Live;


- Exo-Fat for hosting it cuz he can be the awesome host.

- EW for just being there and providing all of his interesting input.

- Robo for actually being there and saying stuff :P

- SK, even though his phone died out, he still did a great job IMO. ^_^


Thanks for those who called in;


- Walter, hope the leg gets better. :)

- Detranix with his input

- Seraphim with what he had to say, it was great to hear from him. ^_^

- And Gato, even if you didn't quite get your voice on, it was great that you put forth the time and effort.

- To any who I missed, sorry! Just make a comment if I missed your name.


And thanks to everyone on the show-mabobber who kept it clean, and nice for BZP. Highly appreciated. ^_^


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