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12 Weeks



It says something when the movie of your book is completely written in six weeks, and the filming is also done in just another six weeks.


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I think it shows the lack of work done on that movie.


Don't get me wrong, it was a decent movie, but the acting was laughable, the plot was going somewhere but never reached orbit, and I found it hard to keep up with.

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Are we talking about Percy?

I'm hoping that the Gods smile upon that one, and make it a decent movie, but I fear the worst.

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Are we talking about Percy?

I'm hoping that the Gods smile upon that one, and make it a decent movie, but I fear the worst.

No, a certain book series about vampires who have a reaction to the sun that isn't burning. I could never be bothered with the movies. I didn't like the first book, why should I give any time to anything else in the series?

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Are we talking about Percy?

I'm hoping that the Gods smile upon that one, and make it a decent movie, but I fear the worst.

No, a certain book series about vampires who have a reaction to the sun that isn't burning. I could never be bothered with the movies. I didn't like the first book, why should I give any time to anything else in the series?


I guess that could be summed up in: It's easy to film cheesy.

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