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How To Rp, Part The Third; Maim, Don't Kill, Your Ego



Wow it's been a while since I did one of these.


But, anyway, time for the third installment in the series. This time; maim, do not killm your ego.


I'm not going to explain how, since, depending on your pride, yours will fight differently, so to speak, and if you outright destroy it, you'll become a spineless wimp who does nothing whatsoever useful.


On the one hand, you need your ego. You need confidence in yourself and that you're right and they're wrong now and then, otherwise you'll forfeit every argument even when you can win, lie down when you're right, and your character will be nothing but a punching bag.


But on the other, and I speak from recent experience currently being sorted out by the BZRPG staff with an arrogant, self-righteous egomaniac, you cannot let your ego grow very much. If you do, then you're going to make a prick of yourself, nobody will want to RP with you and when you try to join in, they'll seek staff permission to godmod you away, and all-in-all you'll seem like a large child.


So, where is this balance? Hard to say. Again, it's something you need to find, so I can't be much help other than explaining why to do this or that. But that said, it's an important thing to get under control in an RPG. There's always some weaker than you, and someone stronger than you. You're not always right, but you aren't constantly wrong. I've RPed with people who have tremendous egos and people who have none, and neither extreme is very good. But my main advice on this issue is this parting note; be humble, but stand up for yourself when you think you're right, albeit not to the point of stagnation.


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But on the other, and I speak from recent experience currently being sorted out by the BZRPG staff with an arrogant, self-righteous egomaniac,

One of the reasons I always end up fading away from the BZRPG whenever I try joining. That always seems to be going on. There is always someone who thinks that they're better than everyone else and just has to be the centre of everything. Blech

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:kaukau:I lost the ego battle in the only RPG I was ever truly a part of. Robo and Nero were just too full of themselves and they had everyone bowing down to their RPGing power as they commandeered every single plot and rewrote the entire pace of the RPG.


So then there's no possible way to do anything without Nero becoming a part of it and introducing it to his larger story of some megawar between god mods. Then he also abuses his god Moderator privaledges.


Spink was nice and respectful, but again, I would compare him to a politician with good intentions who unfortunately got caught up in the system. He contributed in making the RPG slightly more difficult for me.


I think that Twilight Jack was probably the best about his ego, and also didn't try to rewrite the universe too much. Granted, he was involved in the god Moderator war, but somehow he managed to do it right. He went off and did his own thing and didn't try to budge into other people's business.


I would consider the ego mainly as being useful just to keep you on going. Once I lost it, I just sort of dropped out. Plus, playing that RPG was like trying to understand every single news event going on in the world. I'm restricted to only one small town.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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