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Vancouver Olympics



I have a feeling I'll be paying close attention to these games. Winter Olympics have always been my favorite to watch, and it's even cooler that they're currently taking place in my "backyard." (Okay, maybe 100 miles away, across the border) Anyway, for the most part, the weather had been about the same... so I can totally understand why they were complaining about a lack of snow, since last week did feel rather dry.


Personally, I'll be rooting for both US and Canadian teams, because I'm from the US and like Canada. There have been some good wins already; Canada got an excelent score in the men's skiing moguls. (Had to look up the name but it was a fun event to watch) And of course Apollo got silver in his first event... that final corner was a killer. It would suck to be one of those two Koreans; so close you can almost taste the metal, and then you wipe out and take down your partner. I wouldn't necessarily call it Apollo's best win, but he has more events, so who knows.


A couple of complaints... namely NBC. I could handle the obvious US bias and not a full coverage of all events (or that my current set of channels only contains one NBC channel with the Olympics on... seriously, the university cable is suddenly very sucky after the switch to digital in terms of cool channels... they're all shopping or CSPAN, it seems). No, my BIGGEST complaint is the horrible time delay. The Olympics are taking place locally, and I have to watch a three hour delayed recording. :angry: My grandparents, who live further north than Seattle, got Canadian TV for the summer Olympics and were able to watch stuff live, but I can't get any live coverage on my TV. You suck, NBC. (Unfortunately, I will be keeping my eyes glued to your coverage anyway)


Also... all the hype about "Vancouver" I must remind people that Vancouver, Washington had the name first and was settled first. And even Seattle news is neglecting the south city with coverage on the north... sad day for us down there.


Oh, and not a complaint, but the Opening Ceremony was pretty awesome. I loved the lighting effects.




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I really lol'd at the two Korean skaters taking each other out. That was so lucky for the US, Korea was about to sweep the event.
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No, my BIGGEST complaint is the horrible time delay. The Olympics are taking place locally, and I have to watch a three hour delayed recording. :angry:

This. I am so peeved about the delay as well especially because it's literally in our backyard.


Also... all the hype about "Vancouver" I must remind people that Vancouver, Washington had the name first and was settled first.

Ha! There's been so many times where I've said "I went to Vancouver this weekend" and people are like "Wow, you went to Canada this weekend? Fun!" And it's just like, no, there's a major difference between the two.....they might both involve hopping borders for me, but one is 15 minutes away and the other is five hours away.


But, phenomenal job to Apolo and J.R. in the 1500! And, talk about representing the West Coast as well.



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One is a fantastic, diverse, beautiful, modern city.


One is, in the immortal words of my History teacher, pretty much just a parking lot.


There is no comparison.

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One is a fantastic, diverse, beautiful, modern city.


One is, in the immortal words of my History teacher, pretty much just a parking lot.


There is no comparison.

We may be less than a city, but we are more than a parking lot.



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At least a very large parking lot. :P

Anyways, we haven't actually been to any events, but coincidentally the ice rink at my high school is being used as a practice facility for hockey, so maybe I'll go watch a practice or something. This has the unfortunate side effect of the there being an enormous barricade and electric fence around it and there being heavily armed security patrolling the area 24/7, but whatever.

The Olympics are also making it difficult for some of the students to get to school, so this week we have two three-hour classes per day, rather than four one and a half-hour classes, so it won't be such a big deal if teachers and students can't get to school on time. How annoying.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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... the unfortunate side effect of there being an enormous barricade and electric fence around it and there being heavily armed security patrolling the area 24/7, but whatever.


The Olympics are also making it difficult for some of the students to get to school, so this week we have two three-hour classes per day, rather than four one and a half-hour classes, so it won't be such a big deal if teachers and students can't get to school on time. How annoying.


- :l: :flagcanada:

I'm sooooo glad I'm not in Vancouver right now. I just hope the "security measures" aren't still around when I get there. They might make life difficult for a guy like me. Maybe.



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